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Your testimony?

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It is always good for a christian to share his testimony. By testimony, I mean the story of how you became a christian. The Bible says "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so". Even if you were saved at an early age it is still an amazing event and worthy of proclaiming. So share your story with us. Im sure it will make some good reading!

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I was saved when I was 15 at a Young Life event called Windy Gap. Then Baptized the next month at my new church.


I don't have an especially entertaining story, but I would like to share something that I have learned since then. Living for God is a daily thing. I have struggles EVERY day with one thing or another. For those of you reading that haven't come to know Christ and think that once you have accepted his grace that you have to be perfect-----someone has put a wrong thought in your head. I feel funny sharing my testimony because I feel like I have fallen and gotten back up so many times that each time I stood back up for God I was re-saved (if that makes any sense).


Sorry Cong, I might be getting off of the subject that you originally intended to bring about by this question, but I feel like a lot of people have the same feelings I do about Christ. They don't feel like they can become Christians because they don't understand that it is ok to question the religion, to question anything and everything. Just because you have questions doesn't mean that you can't accept the Grace of God. I ran across a book on the Promise Keepers website that could really help answer some of these questions that people have. The first one I read is called "The Case For Christ." I don't remember the author, and my copy is upstairs right now, but if you are interested IM me and I will get you the author and everything. Another book by the same author that I am getting ready to read is called "The Case For Faith." I urge you to read these if the questions of God and religion keep you from commiting yourself to God. I have heard many praises about these books and some people who don't like these books(who were mainly professed non-believers who are trying to discount Christianity). Take a look and see what you come away with.


Again, sorry cong if I rambled on about more than the intent for this subject. However, it is my feeling that sharing your testimony is to help lead others to Christ. My testimony is not one that has a huge unbelievable story(besides the fact that I have been given the most perfect love that a person can receive), but I feel like my strugles since becoming a Christian can help people to push past a barrier that might be holding them back.

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