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Two things really

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Ok, first thing is that DW now has their serverstatus page and downloads page working. I think I put like 30 - 40 third party maps up in case anyone gets to lookin for them(including the simpsons map). Oh yeah, little side note. If you get the simpson's models, make sure you back up your old ones so you don't end up like me. I see bart and homer in every map now and its getting a little annoying. :rolleyes:


Ok, second, this is for Mmmm server people. How do I get the tkpunish thing to work like yours. The three unforgiven tks and then kick. Isn't that how it works? I have been trying to figure it out and am having a hard time. Right now it just automatically kills the tker the next round whether it was on purpose or not.


thanks for your help

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The auto-kick is annoying in my opinion, especially when playing maps like pacman and iceworld. I think [s!d] has the best one, which prompts the victim if they want to forgive or not. After 3 non-forgives, it kicks. I like this because most of the time, people just forget to forgive. This at least prompts them.

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Thanks DJ! We thought long and hard about the best way we think to handle TKs. We use statsme as many of you may know, and there's a little add-on called [ATAC] (Advanced Team Attack Control) found on olo's statsme page http://olo.counter-strike.pl/. It plugs right into statsme, and all it takes is some clever .cfg file editing to disable the punish options on the menu, leaving only forgive. If someone kills 3 times without being forgiven they get kicked.


Now there's no way to get rid of the menu normally, so if you don't want to forgive you have to wait until next round and use a radio command or something to clear the menu out.




You have to be sure to have mp_tkpunish set to 0 in your server.cfg so it won't kill the attacker on the next round automatically.

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