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Tookey's vids of the week


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he best counter-strike team(s) ever.


Before I get started, lets first figure out who the best teams in cs ever were. If you think that they play(ed) source, thats a big laugh. If you think that they are any American teams, thats also a big laugh. Give up?


Most cs "historians" would agree that Scandinavia has historically produced the best players and teams in all of cs history. A top 15 cs players list would only have 2-3 americans as compared to 10 or more scandinavians.


If the scandinavians would have put their best 5 players together in a team they would have been unstoppable, however they were split amongst three teams: NoA, sK, and NiP. These teams trade (and have traded) allstars rather frequently, but I'll present their best rosters, and the closest videos to them.


NoA won the cpl in 2004 after replacing bsl and knoxville with XeqtR and elemeNt. The top 4 players in the 2004 roster are always listed amongst the best in the world, and currently Shaguar and Method both play for teams in CGS. bsl and knoxville were good, however they pale in comparison to XeqtR and elemeNt. The video is of the 2003 team and roster: http://files.filefront.com/The+Fellowship+...;/fileinfo.html


NOA 2004 cpl winter








sK won with this superstar roster, and here are some of their videos (and commercials)



sK 2005 cpl winter








NiP seemed to have a star studded roster in winter 2005 when they released this video, however they came in fourth @ Winter CPL. They did win in 2001 with XeqtR, medion and hyb in place of walle, zet, and ins. Zet currently plays for the LA Complexity in the CGS.


NiP 2005 roster : http://files.filefront.com/NiP+The+5+Giant...;/fileinfo.html







Out of the players mentioned, everyone is scandinavian except for shaguar and method. Potti, Heaton, medion, XeqtR, elemeNt, SpawN, fisker, and ahl are always considered some of the best 1.6 players and always showed it.


So now I'll ask you guys, who would your dream 1.6 team be? Who are your favorite players out of the ones shown?

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can't believe the teamwork'd nade tosses into a site inorder to take it over.


lots of towers is pretty cool too.

^ either to change elevation around a corner, or to advance to a position not normally taken advantage of (de_nuke)

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tookey, i read in another thread (the one where you got banned :) ) that you were a wolverine, what major are you? i graduated this past april with a degree in CS from UM




go blue!


Also, stacking like that was the biggest reason they got rid of it in source zester. You can stack five high in the basement of nuke and defuse the bomb in the upper bombsite, or all sorts of shenanigans.

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you can still stack pretty high in source.


i haven't scrimmed in awhile or leagued - rules may have changed.



its definitely only two high, 3 high in corners as the third guy constantly slides off

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tookey, i read in another thread (the one where you got banned :) ) that you were a wolverine, what major are you? i graduated this past april with a degree in CS from UM




go blue!


Also, stacking like that was the biggest reason they got rid of it in source zester. You can stack five high in the basement of nuke and defuse the bomb in the upper bombsite, or all sorts of shenanigans.


haha, i graduated cs-lsa also (only downside is you have to take foreign languages and i believe for the year after mine, you have to be "accredditted" in science or some bs)


i'm not sure what year you're in but you should really really take eecs381 with t-rex kieras; its the best possible class


its a shame my favorite prof who taught eecs 398 left to go work in industry this past year at the same time as my graduation

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the controled sprays are really impressive, especially when killing multiple targets spread throughout an area.. i really gotta figure out how to aim like that


Its a completely different feel in 1.6, but the same general rule goes for both games...find which way the bullets are going, and while aiming pull the opposite direction

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lol probably a little harder than it sounds i'm assuming


You just really have to practice by yourself on a blank wall on a random map, just shoot a spray pattern without moving your mouse and feel how the bullets move, then repeat and try to correct it. After a while it gets easier.

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