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Tank Videos


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Heh, I saw these videos on youtube. They're videos of a guy using a tank to take down all the survivors. I like the way he edited the music and the video together. :biglaugha:





There's two different videos (3 if you count the 2 segments in the second video as separate).


By the way, I'm getting a bug in L4D where at the end of each map, there's a segment in the loading screen between levels where the Survivors have their stats shown. For example, who took the least damage, how many infected they killed, etc. Depending on who has the highest scores, a portrait of Bill, Louis, Francis or Zoey is shown. Sometimes the portrait doesn't show up, so instead of getting a picture, I get a blank spot. Everything else is there, stats and stuff, but the picture isn't sometimes. It seems to be random but consistent. :unsure:


EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention that the second video has some language in there that might be against gc rules. Some of the audio of the survivors seems to be recorded, and at one or two instances, one of them swears.

Edited by TheFirstMonk
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Wow, that tank has super reach.. I will need to remember that next time I'm a tank. I'll start recording demos. When I play VS it's with friends but we're all really good. So I knocked 3 of them off the roof. Another time I punched a lift and incapped all four of them. I have no idea how it happened, it was just in my way.


That bug fixed itself for me. Ummm.. Not sure really. One day I had the bug and the next it was gone. Maybe just try a restart?

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Wow, that tank has super reach.. I will need to remember that next time I'm a tank. I'll start recording demos. When I play VS it's with friends but we're all really good. So I knocked 3 of them off the roof. Another time I punched a lift and incapped all four of them. I have no idea how it happened, it was just in my way.


That bug fixed itself for me. Ummm.. Not sure really. One day I had the bug and the next it was gone. Maybe just try a restart?


Lol, that sounds pretty cool. I once spawned as a Tank at the saferoom door on the first level of No Mercy. I ended up incapping all 4 survivors (1 was a bot) in the saferoom. I was beating up the guy playing Bill in the saferoom, and his teammates were lagging behind. They closed the door behind them without realizing I was in it. I just ran around the room hitting them. :biglaugha:


Yeah, I tried restarting. Unfortunately, the bug seems to show up even if I exit the game and rejoin or restart Steam. This bug started to show up for me after the first major update for L4D after Christmas (the one that fixed a lot of the exploits). I dunno, I guess it's something in my files that's missing or something. :unsure:


You liked those? I wish JackieChan was recording earlier today. He killed all 4 players in 1 hit lol. (he used a tree)


Heh, that tree sounds like it was the huge tree trunk in Blood Harvest. :biglaugha: I saw this video when I was looking at the two I posted above:




The tank takes out all 4 survivors using a car in No Mercy. :smiling2:

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