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Still playing?

Trouble .gc

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Just wondered if anyone I know from back in the day still plays wow? Yaya, Im still playing, Still on my Druid, Ixia on Bleeding Hollow (alliance) I was really enjoying the new content till My guild put naxx on farm and all the other stuff. now im bored and ready for patch!

hope all is well dudes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

wow trouble. i havent seen you since like FF04 or some such. longggg time ago.


Rogue on Malfurion , Horde side. I quit back in bc after we had sunwell on farm before they nerfed everything into the ground. I just came back to playing about a month ago guild already decked me out again in nearly everything best in slot. Just waiting for Ulduar now. We finally beat RNG and got Immortal last night.


Good to see an old face though !

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