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Bind commands for L4D2 Server


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Love the server, but I was wondering if there was anyway to bind the plugin commands via console? Essentially, instead of going through the popup menu every time to get full health, I want to bind the command to a key like


'bind u full_health'


I can already do that for displaying points or popping up the menu (e.g. 'bind p points' and 'bind o "say /up"), but I can't find a way to bypass this and directly bind certain commands (like full health or spawn tank) directly to a key. Is there a way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Edit: Also, are the options available and what actions give points posted somewhere? I'm having a hard time figuring out what I need to do to get more points.

Edited by ScardyBob
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I made small edits to the points system found at http://sourcemod.com/. By small edits, I mean copy/paste work until it worked. I have little to no experience in coding with sourcemod. I could try to edit it so you could type "!ammo" to buy an ammo refill and whatnot, but not sure if I'd be able to pull this off. Hopefully I can, lol.


As for the points, anything you do can net you points. Killing CI with pistols/snipers can get you more points than using other primary weapons. Spitters are the best way to get points. Next would be Chargers.

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Alright, I figured out a workaround. Basically you just do a bunch of menuselect commands to get to the option you want. For example,


alias "fullhealth" "pointsmenu; menuselect 1; menuselect 5; menuselect 1;" creates an alias that goes through the menus and chooses full health and

bind "kp_enter" "fullhealth" binds it to the enter on the numpad.


I've attached the autoexec.cfg file I created that binds what I consider to be the most important commands to the numpad. Just put it in your \Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\ folder.



7 (KP_HOME) = Shows points

8 (KP_UPARROW) = Brings up buy menu

9 (KP_PGUP) = Rebuy the last choice

4 (KP_LEFTARROW) = Buys a boomer

5 (KP_5) = Buys a spitter

6 (KP_RIGHTARROW) = Buys a tank

1 (KP_END) = Buys a pipebomb

2 (KP_DOWNARROW) = Buys a Molotov

3 (KP_PGDN) = Buys a defib

+ (KP_PLUS) = Heals infected

Enter (KP_ENTER) = Buys full health


Edited by ScardyBob
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  • 2 months later...

I made small edits to the points system found at http://sourcemod.com/. By small edits, I mean copy/paste work until it worked. I have little to no experience in coding with sourcemod. I could try to edit it so you could type "!ammo" to buy an ammo refill and whatnot, but not sure if I'd be able to pull this off. Hopefully I can, lol.


As for the points, anything you do can net you points. Killing CI with pistols/snipers can get you more points than using other primary weapons. Spitters are the best way to get points. Next would be Chargers.




before OnPluginStart() place this line of code:


new Handle:AmmoCost;



in public OnPluginStart() place this line of code:


AmmoCost = CreateConVar("buy_refill_ammo_cost","0","How many points a refill cost.");

RegConsoleCmd("ammo", AmmoBuy);


now, anywhere after OnPluginStart() place this segment of code:


public Action:AmmoBuy(client, args)



return Plugin_Handled;



public Action:AmmoBuyFunc(client)


if (points[client] >= GetConVarInt(AmmoCost))


ExecCheatCommand(client, "give", "ammo");

points[client] -= GetConVarInt(AmmoCost);




PrintToChat(client, "\x04[ \x03BUY \x04] \x03Not Enough Points.");




This will allow you set up an !ammo or /ammo or "bind <key> <command>"

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Thanks, Sky, I'll try that.


How close are you to releasing your epic item buy plugin?



At the moment, I'm not sure to be honest.

I've been going back and forth on whether or not to. There are a few reasons for it, but i erased all that because I felt it's something best left for a private chat.

I suppose when I stop adding new features every day, I'll probably do it, but at the moment, there are just too many reasons (bad mostly, but some good) to give it away

right this moment.


Preferrably, if you want to help test it, contact me on aim @ zimposs1ble so we can talk. It's a matter I don't really want to discuss publicly, due to the history

involved in it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2.0 version updated for the new item buy plugin. I've attached the autoexec.cfg file I created that binds what I consider to be the most important commands to the numpad. Just put it in your \Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg\ folder.


8 (KP_UPARROW) = Brings up buy menu

9 (KP_PGUP) = Buys a water bucket

4 (KP_LEFTARROW) = Buys a special drop

5 (KP_5) = Buys a witch drop

6 (KP_RIGHTARROW) = Buys a tank drop

1 (KP_END) = Buys incap protection

2 (KP_DOWNARROW) = Buys a Molotov

3 (KP_PGDN) = Buys a defib

+ (KP_PLUS) = Buys tank health upgrade

Enter (KP_ENTER) = Buys full health

0 (KP_INS) = Buys a melee weapon

. (KP_DEL) = Buys a MP5 SMG


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Thanks Bob, now looks like a great time to say "Hey have you thought of becoming a member of GC? We play many different games and are a great fun community! And after a while you would maybe have the chance to become involved with helping with the L4D2 server!" haha Just a thought. But actually i will use some of those binds now that i just saw this, would help alot.

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