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Is there anything that can be done about this?


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Hey guys,

I've been a long time player on the server, and I really love it. It's a lot of fun, but this




is a little ridiculous. I mean, I can't even see how that's fun for anyone. The losing team is getting destroyed, the winning team is basically walking through the maps. I know everyone can see how frustrating it is for the losing team, but even for the winning team: Do you ever really find enjoyment playing games on the Easy difficulty setting? There's no challenge, it's not exciting. I understand that people like to play with their friends, and I do too, but at some point, I think there has to be some compromise. This was at around 2330 central time on Oct 8. There was at least 1 admin on (at least I'm pretty sure he's an admin). We called for a votescramble at least 3 times, and it was shut down every time. The admin came in during the 1st map- while we were getting owned and calling for our first scramble-- he was initially put on the losing side, but almost immediately switched to the winning team, and then played dumb when we asked for a scramble. Other people were saying, "It's the first map". Exactly. The first map. The perfect time for a scramble.


I don't know, maybe I'm just ranting a little because I'm frustrated. But this is exactly the kind of ridiculous, unfair play that drives players away. If this is the norm (and I've been playing a while, it's not the first time I've seen it), then I'll back off and just play on the server with a grain of salt. But if it can be addressed, then I think it should.


I left the admins name out because I'm not trying to point the blame, just trying to point out what happened. I really enjoy the server, and I want to keep playing there. But maybe in the future the games can be a little more exciting, because they're a little more evenly matched. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Teams getting stomped is bound to happen, we try to scramble it up but people will leave/rage and players will switch teams... basically its hard to manage a perfectly balanced game. There have been a lot more even games lately, we'll just have to keep doing our best to make sure the team numbers stay even.


-Just this morning we had a 900 point defecit and we came back to win in the passing. It's hard to say what's gonna happen, who's going to join and how it will sway the game.

Edited by Madvillain
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To some people fun = winning, to some fun = equality in game, and some even fun=playing against players better than you.


Personally votescramble shouldnt happen till after both teams have went. After that it doesnt matter if happens on the others, YES even on the finale (personal opinion). Some people look at the numbers, even if the team is trailing far behind they can still catch up to, pass, or get to 500~800points behind.


Since this a heavily mod server, the only times I see it really really unbalanced score wise that way is when theres a bunch of new players and seldom regulars mixed in, but you're only as good as the worst player on the team (i.e the guy who says "How do I buy?" "How are you guys flying as ghosts?" "Why arnt you guys coming out the safe room door with 5 tanks to try and save me?"), Ive seen it when calling a votescramble doesnt do it any good because of that, like when all the regulars then get switched to the "losing team" and the other team starts to get stomped. Sometimes it's hard to tell whose new or not (especially when newcomers dont bother to listen to the advice of regulars and do what they want willy-nilly)


(sorry this taking me awhile to write, I'm watching 'Year One' as I type this)

Edited by ValenAlvern
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This old topic. There have been many like it, just search the L4D2 forum. It's a constant problem, we try to fix it when we can, but even then peoples ability to quit and swap teams then makes it unbalanced again.

In order to keep the teams even for an entire game, it will probably require vote scrambles more than once in a campaign, and then people leave and get upset cuz they're tired of constantly being switched or having different teammates that you now have to try and work with and re-strategize with.


We try, but the game is going to be unbalanced more often than not. I just play and deal with it when im on the losing team, hoping next campaign things will change. That is i deal with it after a votescramble has taken place first. And i agree with Valen, it shouldn't be scrambled until at least after the first map when both teams had a chance to show their stuff.

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On the old UT server GC regs made a point to switch sides as needed; as in no need to ask, just recognizing there needs balance and then doing it. I'd hope that is still the case on this server. Mind you, as they said, sometimes you're gonna get stomped - it happens.


And hey, welcome to the fourms...

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Alright, fair enough. And I do know that it is an old topic, sorry about making a new thread about it. I appreciate the replies, and I know that it is a very hard thing to manage, so it's not that big of a deal. I usually do the same thing Nightling: put up with being on a garbage team in hopes that it's more fair next campaign. It's usually worth it, cause it is a really fun server to play on.


And thanks Flitter.

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Yes FK, we still switch sides when we see the need to do so. But sometimes, even with us swapping, the team is beyond help lol. Because as has been pointed out before in other posts, a team is as strong as its worse player on this server. 9 GC regulars and 1 new person can drag down those 9 and all of a sudden we're all dead for trying to save that guy lol. We had an awesomely even game today though btw. Really fun, and sucks i had to go to work right at the finale.

Edited by samurai nightling
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