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Space Quest Fans: Assemble!


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I know most people are probably kick-starter'd out at this point since everyone and their father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate (bonus cookie for anyone who gets that reference) has one these days.




Do you love adventure games?


Were you raised on old-school Sierra point-click or (even more older-schooler) parser adventure games?


Particularly Space Quest?


The Two Guys from Andromeda are back together and are making a new game. I never thought it would happen, but when I found out, it was the most awesome piece of news I've heard this year.


Check out their kickstarter page for some details on the project they are planning.


I freaking loved the Space Quest series (I still do, I have them and DOSBox on this machine). It basically introduced me to gaming and taught me how to type. I just pledged to the project to help make it happen. There are only 4 days left, and they're still a little short of the goal. If you loved these games as much as I do, help make this happen!


P.S.: sorry this felt a little sales-pitchy. I don't normally post stuff like this, but this project means something to me and I wanted to make sure this community was aware. At the moment, the project still needs more backer help!

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Is Gary Owens going to narrarate?

They have stated they have him lined up to narrate, yes. It's a little ways down on the kickstarter page description.


Here's the roster of voice talent that have said they will be involved:

  • Gary Owens - Narrator from SQ4 and SQ6, voice of Space Ghost, Laugh-in, and many many others in a long and distinguished career.
  • Rob Paulsen - Pinky from Pinky and the Brain, Yakko from Animaniacs, Raphael the Ninja Turtle, and multiple characters from Monkey Island among many other characters he has voiced.
  • Robert Clotworthy – Jim Raynor from StarCraft 1 & 2, Senator Evran & Supreme Chancellor from Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Narrator of The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series, Big Bang Theory, etc.
  • Ellen McLain - GLaDOS from Portal 1 & 2, Overwatch from Half-Life 2, Administrator from Team Fortress 2, Witch from Left for Dead 2 and many more.
  • John Patrick Lowrie - Sniper from Team Fortress 2, Sword Control from Halo Reach, Citizens from Half-Life 2 and author of Dancing with Eternity.

I must say, the Gary Owens thing kind of clinched it for me. SQ5 always felt like something was missing since he wasn't there. Also recently, the SQ2 VGA remake from Infamous Adventures came out. They did a GREAT job with it and I enjoyed a few of the tweaks they did, but the narrator guy was trying, and mostly failing, to do a Gary Owens impression. Everytime he was speaking, I was doing a much better Gary Owens impression in my head.



**In case it wasn't clear, this IS NOT a new Space Quest game, it's a new "SpaceVenture" that will have all the DNA of SQ, just no Roger or other characters/locations. Apparently the SQ IP is owned by Activision, and they aren't interested in selling at the moment (or are asking a stupid amount of money, not sure which). Maybe if this campaign succeeds and the game makes a bunch of money on release, they can get Space Quest back and make a new one?

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I'm going to miss not having Roger in there...I ended up buying the Space Quest Collection when it was on sale during a summer or thanksgiving sale...don't remember which. I only played SQ6, but what really made it a memorable experience was Gary Owens. All the funny lines they had him say and whatnot...loved that game.


Unfortunately, I don't see them reaching ~$100,000 in 3 days.

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Apparently there usually is a big surge near the end of the campaign - people upping their donation at the last minute or new people jumping on in hopes of putting it over the top. I'm still hopeful.


SQ6 was good, but you really ought to back and play the others, in order. SQ1 and SQ2 were parser based, and pretty difficult, but man was it fun figuring out what to do, where to go, etc. ProTip: "look" at literally everything you possibly can. Typing "look" followed by "around" or an object name will almost guarantee you won't miss an important item.


SQ4 was the only other one with Gary Owens narrating, and he was great in that one too.

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I find these Kickstarters puzzling. If $500,000 is going to cover the development cost and each person who donates at least $15 gets a free copy of the game, how do they make any money? Surely if you have any interest in this game being made you're going to donate $15 for a free copy. They spend the $500,000 on development, give out free copies to everyone who is really interested in the game (donators), do you think they will get enough sales to cover the loss of all the free copies they've given away?

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