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Turbo Banned


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I was banned for griefing. I don't know why Tsunami Singled me out, but I had my mouth shut and 10 members on the server can vouch for that. I said nothing and just played on the server like the rest of the players. Issue was we stayed in the saferoom.I would like to be unbanned since this is not fair and almost every member knows me and knows this is a stupid ban

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For what little it's worth I can vouch that Turbos involvement didn't go beyond staying with his teammates who were holed up in the safe room.


It's also worth mentioning that the other team did allow the behavior when they ok'd Nemesis running out and starting the event. He was allowed to run out to the truck unscathed.

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Why are you playing 1) with a different name than your screen name here and 2) without a .gc tag?


Everyone knows that this game can lead to bans going to the wrong person; playing without a .gc tag makes it that much harder for admins to discern who is GC or not.


Not that that would prevent you from getting banned if you deserved it...


If I was admining and had to pull a quick trigger garychios.gc would get the benefit of the doubt or at least a voice/text poke to make sure everything was cool.


AWD 4G63 TURBO? A name I'd never seen before or in the forums? You're making it hard on us man...



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Tsunami would have recognized Turbo's name in the game, and moreover all of us told her that it was not his decision both before and after he was banned.


*shrugs* I think these bans are unfair in general, but I especially think turbo's is unfair.

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As i was present during this whole debacle, i do have a few things to say regarding this...


I was banned for griefing. I don't know why Tsunami Singled me out, but I had my mouth shut and 10 members on the server can vouch for that. I said nothing and just played on the server like the rest of the players. Issue was we stayed in the safe-room.I would like to be unbanned since this is not fair and almost every member knows me and knows this is a stupid ban

Seriously turbo, she singled you out? she banned the entire team as i heard.

"You had your mouth shut" - You do know that Jackie can pull up the server chat logs and read the things you said, implied, etc right ???

"10 members on the server can vouch for that" - I am not one of those members who will vouch as you among your team ruined the the next two maps for all of us on the infected team.


It is at least nice that you admitted the fact you stayed in the safe-room with the others. Guess what? that qualifies as griefing and in the chat logs, tsunami, myself and others urged you and your team to leave but specifically both you and Leonebluen got more ignorant and stayed in there. All this while no one on your team asked for a scramble.


From tsunami's point of view, she did her best to warn you and tell your team to leave the safe room and rage quit herself without banning you at first. But, guess what you continued your charade on to the next map(dead air finale), which is when she came back and banned you all.


As a member who witnessed all this, i am glad you were all banned even though it is just for 24 hours, should have been longer.

In my opinion, you become members to become part of the community, NOT GET A LICENSE TO BREAK RULES!


Edit - Turbo and Leone are members and they should have told their team to leave the saferoom instead of staying in there with them, isnt it?

Edited by Avengers
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Biggs, I have a topic on this as well, which might clarify what happened. Obviously you may think my representation is biased, but I nonetheless feel like it might impart some background knowledge that will help you when you look at the logs.



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Avengers, When I joined the loosing team, You started by saying Turbo is going to Rage. It is in the chat logs. If anyone is a problem it is you, and you were muted. Don't be a hypocrite.


With that said, I would Like Avengers banned as he shows a complete lack of respect to members. I just ignored him.

Edited by Garychios
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Turbo, i said you were going to rage because i found it funny that you died as you joined.

I was muted by Tsunami as a joke off the game, not related to this incident. Don't get your hopes up! I am not trying to be a hypocrite at all.


As he is a member he could have urged his team to leave the saferoom by leaving himself first, and everyone would have most likely followed as well.

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So, the survivor team was doing terrible and they decided, as they couldn't make it (as they said), that next map they would camp the saferoom and "make it a survival map".

They stayed there for a long time. I'd say about 5-10 minutes.

They never asked for a scramble so I didn't think about it until I notice the scores (after they camped the saferoom).

I told the whole team to leave but they kept saying it wasn't griefing and that they would probably survive longer if they stayed there.

I kept reminding them that it was griefing and that i would ban them if they did it again the map after (wich i should've done the first time they did it).


The next map, Turbo and Leonebluen were still talking about the fact that I said it was griefing.So i told them, again, that it deserved a ban.

I left because i was tired of getting yelled at for this "ridiculous" reason. Also, I didn't want to do anything stupid.

5 minutes after i left, the map changed and at least 5 people from the infected team were asking me to do something about the fact that the survivors were staying in the saferoom again.

So I joined the game and checked the time of the round to see if anyone lied, but the round time was at 7 minutes and they were just leaving the saferoom and almost the entire infected team was messaging me to do something.

Leonebluen was telling me that the infected team "allowed them" to do it by letting Nemesis run to the truck and start the event.

The infected team protested. I banned the whole survivor team. Here we are.

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Tsunami, I understand your decision given the information available to you, but I also feel that the chat logs should lead you to conclude that although our behavior on the 4th round was probably unrespectable, our 5th round was justified.

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Tsunami, as a person who has a bind to slap me, are on my friends list, and talk to me all the time, I was shocked. You could have PM'd me and said the ban is coming if your team does not move. I find what you did un-sensible . You also know I was quiet. My voice is too NYC to miss. Honestly, I did not want to stay in the saferoom, I wanted the round to end, but I stayed with my team and kept quiet. That should have been the clue I was really not part of this. I am loud and vocal. Now I wait for a banned to be removed so I can play tonight

Edited by Garychios
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... our behavior on the 4th round was probably unrespectable

Well, guess the bans will stand then.


The chat logs sure show that a lot of people were angry about how these rounds went.


For future reference, deliberately stalling the game is not a legitimate strategy and really is just poor sportsmanship. To anyone that received a 1-day ban here that thinks they don't deserve it, sorry but it's going to stand. Next time, help our admins out and tell your team to stop what they're doing.

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That doesn't seem fair.


1) We did leave the safe room on the 4th round when Tsunami told us to

2) We weren't given a scramble when we were behind 300 - 2300; last I checked, stacking isn't a legitimate strategy and is also just poor sportsmanship.

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Tsunami, I understand your decision given the information available to you, but I also feel that the chat logs should lead you to conclude that although our behavior on the 4th round was probably unrespectable, our 5th round was justified.

  • I can hear/read everything both team say/write in the chat.
  • Staying in the saferoom for 10 minutes is considered as griefing. I told you repeatedly to leave the saferoom. Consider yourself lucky it was only a 24 hour ban.

I think this ban was well deserved and i will not be taking it off unless a senior admin asks me to.



Tsunami, as a person who has a bind to slap me, are on my friends list, and talk to me all the time, I was shocked. You could have PM'd me and said the ban is coming if your team does not move. I find what you did un-sensible . You also know I was quiet. My voice is too NYC to miss. Honestly, I did not want to stay in the saferoom, I wanted the round to end, but I stayed with my team and kept quiet. That should have been the clue I was really not part of this. I am loud and vocal. Now I wait for a banned to be removed so I can play tonight


I shouldn't have to PM every single person on the opposite team, you are a member you should know the rules. Although I did say in chat that staying in the saferoom was a bannable offence.


This isn't personal and neither was it targeted at you.

Edited by Tsunami
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You can't win if you don't play.


So, let's do this to restore some peace for the time being.


Lift the bans; for now...


Gary: I understand everyone knows your in-game alt name. So no problems there. But that bit towards avengers was uncalled for. Seriously.


All y'all in the safe room: You can't just shut down the game for everyone else by parking yourself in there forever. Unless teams need balancing or people are waiting for someone to join (which on this server shouldn't take any time at all...) I'd get really ticked off if I was waiting five to 10 minutes to actually get playing the game.


Tsunami - You did fine. I'd ban them too. Or at least kicked.


L4D2 Admins: If the team is camping the safe room without a legitimate reason (we'll survive longer is *NOT* a legitimate reason) you should teleport a random person from the safe room outside and force-start the round. There may be some mod changes that can be made to make living in the safe room....uncomfortable... That is in the realm of JC and he would be the one to know if they are feasible or not.


GC members: You're here to have fun and play the game and make sure others have fun as well. Camping the safe room, griefing admins who are just trying to get the game moving - not cool. Doubly so from GC contributing members.


Gary - no one wins all the time. Some times, your team is gonna take their lumps. Smile and enjoy it. It's just a game. Please - think about what GC is - we're not just a reserve - you can do better than this.


Bans lifted. Everyone hug.


Just so everyone knows though. If admins have to repeatedly teleport people out of safe rooms. If people are routinely encouraging people to *camp* the saferoom. Those people's time on the server; and probably GC, are going to be limited.


The thing about popular servers is that we can easily ban nuisance players and never, ever lookback. Someone else will be on the server seconds later.


Scramble teams, did leave after were told to. This could go on forever.


Bottom line: Your team did stay camped in there for way too long. Can't get around that. If the other team is clamoring to play the game the admin has got to do something. Please guys, at least recognize that.

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Avengers, I don't like you. You were not on my team. Don't talk to me or comment here. I will make sure I will burn you when I can at every chance. You are an instigator and everyone knows it.

I am not trying to instigate at anything, whether you like me or not will not change the evens that did take place.


That doesn't seem fair.


1) We did leave the safe room on the 4th round when Tsunami told us to

2) We weren't given a scramble when we were behind 300 - 2300; last I checked, stacking isn't a legitimate strategy and is also just poor sportsmanship.

You admitted your strategy was to camp in the saferoom to accumulate points. Yet, you didnt even help the incapped person right outside the room and left let him die.

As for a scramble you didn't ask for one and nobody was stacking...we joined and were auto-assigned to teams by the bot. Nobody switched teams that i recall.



In any case....hugs all around as ordered by FilterKill. Its all over and done now.


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How were we going to save the dude, avengers?

Oh, yeah, go out and help him? Tell me, how well did that work out in the 3rd round? You know, the round where we all died LITERALLY RIGHT OUTSIDE THE SAFE ROOM. Trying to save him would've meant getting all of us killed.





Tsunami, the only messages we received from the other team in the 5th round were those of approval. We were told to send one person out to start the event, while the other 9 of us stayed in the safe room. We were not asked to leave, and we didn't.


Moreover, NOT listening to your team is ALSO a form of griefing. I personally wanted to start the event and go hide under an overhang, but instead we as a team decided on the safe room. Would going out and suiciding to the zombies not have broken server rules in two ways 1) Not communicating with team 2) Commiting suicide?


All I'm saying is that everyone was placed into a difficult situation, and our side of the story is being ignored, which really, really, sucks.

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