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Last nights adventures


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So I had a date with a cute girl. I show up at where we agreed to meet and there was a different girl there. I had apparently got my locations switched and ended up at the wrong place. Well, I was already with this girl, so I figured I'd just go with it. We end up at a strange mall. I'm walking through an Ikea type store looking at cabinets and I run into Gabe Newell. Gabe invites me back to his place. He has a motorcycle and is riding it around his house. We go to his office and are hanging out in front of his computer talking gaming, etc... He's showing me all features of the Steam OS. He was impressed I had been playing CS since beta 7. He also thought Desert Combat and EOD mods for 1942 were awesome. He was talking about Final Fantasy and I didn't really know anything about it, so he got up and left. His wife came home and sat down in the computer room. There were three cats in the room. One of them will not get out of my lap. He is kind of old.. black, tan, brown with a white stomach. He begs to be petted, but then bites you as soon as you touch him. This happens over and over. Gabe is still not around and I'm hanging with his wife and kid for hours. Eventually I get bored and start to leave. His wife informs me he has been upstairs playing a game, but don't worry about it because Seinfeld came over once and Gabe did the same thing him. He even did the same thing to her on their first date.


Then I woke up....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've gone out on a few dates with this girl. I stop by her place last night to pick her up. She asks me to come in for a second. I'm standing in her doorway while she is in her room. She gets a few pills out of a bottle and I ask what they are for. She tells me they are for the sex change that she had last year.


Thank god I woke up...

Edited by NOFX
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