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SO i get banned for HELPING A PLAYER ....who was charged down while the whole team was behind us. WITH NO WAY back up to them they were on their own, and so were we. Minutes after that everyone in the back was incapped so we moved on. I was a little ahead then he was then got kicked... Came back and expressed how stupid it was that i get kicked for continuing alone or with that one guy. Then get banned. You guys try to keep things fun clean and fair. However THAT is not FAIR at all.

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*On mobile so please ignore any spelling errors or inconsistencies*

I was waiting for this to get moved to.the proper location but whatevs. Yes, you did get kicked because you helped someone who was too far from the group to begin with. There is no way a charger could have brought a player beyond the point of no return in the blood harvest finale if his teammates were in close proximity to each other. I understand completely that you wanted to help the guy but you two were too far. Now, here's what led up to the kick. Your teammates were getting wrecked in back and they were using mic and text chat.calling for you and the rusher. I explained to one of them that the other guy got jockeyed over.You were asked to help repeatedly but you just stood with the rushing player at the very front which was dead silent. You were covering a player that wasn't in any danger while I watched some of your team buy up repeatedly in a desperate attempt to survive while you just stood there perched /on the rock/.I didn't catch the charge because I was watching the massacre in spec mode at the time but I did watch the both of you. You were only separated after you watched your team die without so much as lifting a finger. After that, yeah, I kicked you. I was watching to see if you would go back and at least show some interest in being a team player before I kicked you for rushing. As for the ban, you came back confused about it but instead of asking about it calmly, you pitched an attitude at me telling me essentially what the rules were about rushing and then swore at me. That was the last straw. It was a kick. Just ask about the kick and I will explain it. You don't need to blow up in my face about it. Less self-entitlement attitude next time. I banned you because you needed a timeout after that.

Edited by Pumpernickel
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