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Addressing the War Issues ( not about the rules)


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Hello soldiers of dirty or snowy fortune!


I just wanted to take the time to address some issues some of you seem to have with the war.  

 I want to talk about how the war has been going, how I have meted players to teams, how teams have set up, and

about players quitting early in dejection.


Ok, so first off FIRE has been in control for most of the game.  Either by 3 to 10 almost every night. It seems like every  

time the ICE team clawed within 3 pts or had taken the lead the FIRE team would respond with 9-12 unanswered points.  

The FIRE team finally pulled the first power grab by taking down a chopper.  (well done btw)  Later on that same day  they 

tried again and were probably about 45% of the way to 15 more pts before the chopper left them.  During the last 2 days 

I myself have been personally hell bent on crafting explosives for raiding.  After having done so I was ready to roll last night.

At a not to late time btw  around 10'oclock   I was ready.... then the two members of FIRE who were on  left.   Now let me tell 

you a rule I personally have about rust.   When you have valuable stuff you use it or lose it in my experience.   I had a good 

supply of C4  I coulnd't log that night and risk losing it.  I just can't. Its why I made the rule.  You have no idea how many 

times  I've logged the next day to lose EVERYTHING.  It happens its rust and this is why  the massive FIRE team base got

raided.Fire team put all of their eggs in one basket and it bit them in the butt hard.  I suggested you all make bases 2-3 per

base but instead you all based up asides from 3 or 4 of you.   I honestly didn't think I had enough to raid RAID you. I was

planning on just sending a strong message.  Little did I know how your base design was so flawed ( I'll address that  later)

The end result was that we ran amok in your loot room and killed every sleeper in the place which is a big part of rust.


Next thing I wanted to talk about is play distribution.  I think teams are fairly even.  I tried to balance skill ( hard to assess) 

with players likability. I wont go far into this since no one has really complained.  We have the more experienced core

 (mustard,limit,lunk,myself) but also the most timid and new (Haven prefers  PVE,  ZD, Reo are brand spanking new,  Faith 

is not a strong base designer nor nearly as aggressive as some of us.   While team FIRE has Clony, Killer,Monkey,Jack,CID 

Zero  all  of you are solid shots and you have Kaya who is a master gatherer and an good AD collector in her own right.   So I

feel pretty good about teams.


How teams have set up.  Apparently as I touched on above the FIRE team has put 70  to 80% of there holding in one big base

with one or two other holdings.  I've made my feelings about that know already  so I'll say that Team ICE has five moderate 

bases with two starters and one single outpost thus far.  So if you hit one or two of us with a raid  at least we get to  fall back on our team

mates for support.



Quitting early.   As I stated above  I have played a multitude of wipe cycles dating back to Legacy Rust.  I have lost ALL many many times.

I understand the dejection  you feel when this happens.  I"ve learned to expect my stuff to begone everytime I log on.  Nine out of every ten

times I've been raided its been offline.   Also of note you guys  had a hell of a lot of resourcing  into making that huge base.  my base is only half that size and 5x 

stronger then yours.  We only had to use 2 C4  2 c4's Yes you are reading that right two timed explosive charges.


Someone in your base left  a ladder hatch open.  Huge mistake.  Though we could have blown through it anyways.  I suggest in the future you check out youtube

videos on base building and floorplates/ footprints.   If i had the resources you did with 5-6 guys on that one base  I would have built an impregnable mountain.  


I'm not throwing shade at you guys I'm really just trying to help you out.  I want you guys on the server as friend or foe and I love the competition.

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You want competition yet you offline raid?

There is no competition in offline raiding.


I will continue to play, but only when the next wipe happens and no war games are going on.

Yes, we had a bad base, I get that.

However, we had a good base design in reality. That stone staircase that you guys climbed to get to the top floor and then had free reign in our base was supposed to only be there for building. I had the bright idea and was like, "No, I like being able to go to the top of this wall really quick, lets keep it there," so we did. Because it was only for building, we didn't initially think about the furnace being broke into and someone using that to get on the top floor, so we hadn't finished the top floor just yet. If that staircase was not there, you guys would have needed more than just 2 or 3 C4. Either way it got broken into because of me, and I will take the blame for that one from my team.


Here is my issue:

I know in Rust that offline raiding is a part of the game, but I expected randoms to do so. What I didn't expect was to have our base raided by GC members while we were offline.

Although I've only originally played on one or two game servers out of the masses that GC has, I've come to think of GC as a respectable community, which is why I stuck around and even tried Rust to begin with. I figured that our Rust server might be different, one where respectable warfare went on, which did not happen. I gave you guys more credit than should have been given, and I apologize for not completely understanding the raiding rule.

Also, after talking with Leon last night, I've decided to wait until these war games are done. "Everyone offline raids, so I will too." Just because everyone does it, does not mean you have to, and if that is how these war games are going to be carried out, I will gladly pass on these war games. I cannot bring myself to do something so disrespectful to such a respectable community.


And just like you said Turnbull you use all resources that you get, and so everything we had only made your base that much better. We are not only down in moral, we also have to start from scratch when you guys are so far ahead. Which by the time we get back up there, you will be even further ahead and our efforts will be useless, this is also assuming we make it back up there without you guys coming and knocking it back down before we get back up there, which is the best strategy to win a war: push hard while they are down, so I know that will happen.


I liked the teams as they are, I wouldn't change them, but let me say that how you just described the teams make them sound horribly unfair. You have all the experienced people, while we have "good shots" and a "master gatherer." Having all the resources and not knowing what to do with them is worse than having some resources and knowing how to efficiently use them.


I came into this thinking about the huge war at the end with both our teams trying to fight over bases with huge towers and rockets flying every which way while both team frantically try to either assault or defend a base, and I was pumped. But I guess that huge fun fest isn't going to be there after all.

Edited by MurderinClony
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I am sorry you feel that way. And btw this was not aimed specifically at you... others took this alot harder.  

As far as teams went I was only giving my reasoning for  for why people were on each team and showing how hard it is to find a magic combination of teams.  Also my bases sucked.  Experience didn't help me there.    Not to be arrogant but I do not believe anyone on my teams base is as good as mine and thats all because I studied up.  Not because I played more.    My old bases always went down fast.


I only planned on R@W for one wipe cycle as for something for us to do to keep from being bored from lack of unfriendly peeps who we would  fight  and would be worth raiding.  



On anther note I believe  your team was about to surround the capital with turrets on  foundations.... idk it for a fact but it appears that way.  Our team had mentioned doing so to our own but I have denied them.  I felt like it would destroy the integrity of capital battles.


I have pondered the possibility of a  no offline raid server.  That'll be for the community to decide as this is GC's server.  It's not my server.  I'm trying to run it in the best interest of the community.  IDK if no offlines will bring players or make players shun them.  Maybe a little of both I suppose.  I would be interested in everyone who plays on our servers opinions on the matter.   

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I do not want a "No offline raiding server," that would be a horrible idea for server popularity as well as other reasons.

However, during a scheduled or planned war, offline raiding for the teams in play would be when it needs to be "No offline raiding."

People who are not on either team obviously do not have to follow this rule. The rules we have for war now are fine, with a few tweaks in point values, except for the raiding anytime at any point. I am not suggesting that "No raiding" occurs at all times, I am merely suggesting the ban of offline raiding of the Enemies Base(s).

And yes, I understand that 1 person from our team was actually present at the time but one person versus five or six is impossible, even with a good base, no ones character is a god, and with 4 guns pointed at him while he tried to stop the raiding, they will die like any person would.

I was told about the old rules of rust and of how there might have been a maximum gap in players for raiding to be disabled, maybe something along those lines could work here, for the war only of course. Say if there is a gap of 3-4 players on each team, team 1 has 1 and team 2 has 5, raiding wouldn't be allowed, but if team 1 had 2 and team 2 had 5, then it could go down, something along those lines.

As for the server outside of the war, everything goes, normal Rust rules, offline raiding, teaming and whatever else there is.


Edit: And I would be fine with more Wars going on, like a bi-wipe thing, every 2 wipes or so we do a war instead, to mix it up, as long as something is changed. Thats totally fine with me to have more wars

Edited by MurderinClony
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When I heard that you all had only the one base and didn't spread around your material to other geographical locations, I knew that what was done would be devastating. While that sort of play isn't my style, the reasoning and strategy for it was a brilliant move on the part of Ice. Kill the other team while they sleep and steal their poop. Next time you guys will know how to better build. 

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