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Mass Effect: Andromeda


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Hello fellas!


It's been a while, I hope you're doing great.


The new Mass Effect is going to launch this month. I've already bought the game.

I wonder how many of us is still getting goosebumps about Mass Effect.

I'm looking for the squad. Hit me up, oldies :D



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Decision: Standard or Deluxe? That space monkey is awfully tempting...


I'd go with Deluxe (but I'm not buying it on launch day, so what do I know). 


Super Deluxe seems to have little to no value.  $30.00-$40.00 for multiplayer packs.  If you're going to play multiplayer a lot, then your playtime will probably overshadow the packs in the long run.  If you're not going to play multiplayer a lot, then there's not much of a point in getting the packs.  If you're going to play multiplayer sporadically but do not have enough time to invest in leveling your character, then maybe?  But even then, the packs are spread out over 5 months, so you wouldn't be able to automatically level up super fast (as far as I've read from online articles). 


Anyway, when I do get Andromeda, I plan on building my character as melee focused with biotics and/or tech (singleplayer and multiplayer); I didn't use melee a lot in ME2-3 singleplayer, but I did try it a bit in ME3 multiplayer.  My only concern is taking on multiple aerial enemies; I'll have to find a workaround for those.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

More like Mess Effect, amirite?


But seriously, I finished it and thought it was okay. It was the worst game of the franchise, but the franchise has a pretty high bar of quality (regardless of how you felt about the Mass Effect 3 ending stuff). I'd say the game was average. Nothing really blew me away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm disappointed with dubbing, story development, lack of diversity in species (brand new galaxy and only 2 new aliens?), 1 face for all asari, few faces for humans, FPS drops (most likely result of memory leak), no consequences when "choosing" different path.


The biggest wth? moment when they had 3 games before this one with ready designs and developments, why not to use them?


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I'm guessing with a different developer they might have had access to that stuff, but didn't know what to do with it. It's like giving Beethoven's sheet music to a monkey and expecting a glorious symphony. I just don't think this new team had what it took to make a great Mass Effect game. The team should have been making B-Tier games like Mars: War Logs, not working on a multimillion dollar franchise like Mass Effect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm guessing with a different developer they might have had access to that stuff, but didn't know what to do with it. It's like giving Beethoven's sheet music to a monkey and expecting a glorious symphony. I just don't think this new team had what it took to make a great Mass Effect game. The team should have been making B-Tier games like Mars: War Logs, not working on a multimillion dollar franchise like Mass Effect.

To be fair, Mars: War Logs did have one of the better character introductions (Roy's first appearance) I've seen in a game.  But that alone didn't make up for its average to sub par voice acting, janky parry system, limited environments and animations, shallow companion dialogue trees, and awkward worldbuilding.  Not a terrible game but definitely rough and potentially could have been helped by fine-tuning.  


I'm not disagreeing with any of your points by the way; I just really liked Roy's introduction.   :lol2: 

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  • 3 months later...

Anyone still not having this, Amazon is carrying the "boxed" version (yes, you get shipped a box with the code in it) for a constantly lowering price. It was $16.30 on Friday and I've watched it slowly trickle down a few cents every hour in my cart. 


$15.30 currently.



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