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Final stop for strats.

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Thought I would summarize in one topic possible strat options. For Ts I have two pics detailing the two possible rushes. Do we need a setup for a delay? The way the map is I almost think we should rush every round.


1 Trush.png

This is the classic T rush. If this is working, it should be ran everytime Bomb spawns anywhere close to the front. The two guys on choke point should enter area and make sure the bomb planter has enough time to plant and then retreat before any CT going the long way around come up stairs. The two cover guys in the market should nade far doorway and punish any CT that show that way. Then retreat to safe spots. The tower guy should hide once bomb is planted until he hears defusal.


2[/size] Chokerush.gif

This is the alternate rush. We hit choke point HARD and then proceed to Far bombsite. Once choke point is taken, one of us stay behind and give cover fire so the CTs wont hear the entire T team going back way. After that he can follow and put his gun on a door somewhere. When the rest proceed to bombsite stay alert. They could have guys anywhere along that route as well as an AWP in CT spawn.


Possible CT setup.


This is just my suggestion. I know that others have put together some stuff. We HAVE to be prepared for the rush plant like we are going to do. First one to go left (should be first guy through if possible) has to look for the plant. DJ will be going to that corner and will help. IF you see any Ts in courtyard at all give an "enemy spotted" or a yell over RW and the green guy on the right will blindside through there. Try to prevent the plant if at all possible!


Green will try to enter choke point while blue lays fire at Ts doorway through wall (make sure you know where to fire... a little to the right from corner... get in game and check it out.) Purple goes the back way. If Green guy dies then the choke is comprimised. In that case, purple needs to retreat and cover doors on back way. Blue needs to cover door this side of choke point. IF choke point is secured then purple proceeds to top of stairs (be careful of fire from all the way across courtyard) and the blue guy retreats to tower and watches the left doorway from corner.


If we are continually losing the battle for choke point, we lay back and green guy will cover door this side of choke while blue goes back in tower and purple will cover back way (door and fall back... door and fall back).


If they are being succesful in getting the rush plant down we need to compensate for it. Do this by putting one more guy to rush out with DJ (probably kurtz) and if we are taking choke having the green guy cover plant spots.

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This is for the Rush plant in courtyard.




Here is how we will determine who will go where. Basically we have two lines here on the radar. Not all spawns will look like this but there will usually be a fron left and front right. Look at which door you are closest to and how many people are in front of you... (If you are in the back hall this doesnt apply... get to them in a bit). BOMB HAS TO GO RIGHT no matter where it spawns.


Here is what we need. Four guys to go right and two guys to go left. If your closest to the left door then go that way unless you have the bomb in which case you would go right. Guys in the back will watch and make sure they fill out as needed.


Four guys go right. First three through the doorway go to courtyard. If the last guy has the bomb than the third guy needs to let him pass. The last guy through goes to tower.


Im not sure if we ever ran this play completely right in the match. Two guys taking on any CT straight across will give the bomb enough time to go down. Just make a moving target.


Man what seems so simple to me seems so complicated when I try to write it out. Did this make sense?

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