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Banned because i wanted to stop being tk'd


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this is: p^|ShadowDog<#PremiumCS>


I was in the server and it was cs_office and i was going down the back hall, "moran" shoots at an afk, but i get the kill. He then turns and fires at my head, yelling that i took his kill. I then turn, and shoot him down for already putting 4 bullets in me. All of his shots were on purpose... cuz im sure he likes to fire at walls where im standing multiple times for no reason. Then when i die he says he is gonna kill me the next round for taken his kill and killing him.(I START RECORDING A DEMO HERE) i tell lunk but lunk just tells me to "put a sock in it". Then the next round i shoot up an opponent "Wanted In 17 States" and then moran shoots him once, then i take kill. Moran then turns and shoots at me again, but only like 3 times so it only does about 40-50 dmg. I ignored it and then try to kill another ct, but fail. i tell lunk, sanders, and boondock.. but lunk says: "if you 2 dont shut up i will ban you both". moran continues to say he did not attack me at all. and then he calls me a f4g on the mic. Also he continues to say that im a little girl and that i have no friends... but hes like the 30yearold playing in a random server with no one else.... i then say to sanders "could one of you plz come over to this team and see this idiot" and sanders says: "who" i say "moran" and then the next round starts. Sanders did not switch, but then moran continues his mic abuse and people are telling him to shut up. I tried to switch teams, but it wouldnt let me. This is where Lunk bans me. (i believe it was lunk).


I'm sorry for my complaining, but if you want to see exactly what happened... ask me to give you the demo, i dunno if demos do voice or not, but i know they show tking. I'm sorry and I wonder if i could be unbanned.


my bad. :(


-ShadowDog :unsure:

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ShadowDog says:

can u ask lunk if its perm or not

Wanted says:

he said ask sandersor booon wasnt him

ShadowDog says:



So, i guess it wasnt lunk.. boon, sanders? no warnings from either of you, infact, i dont even recalling boon speaking once at all...


:( well, whatever i did to get that ban (i dont see why i was banned or if "moran" was banned or not either...) but im sorry.

Edited by FuNK Renegade
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Nope it wasn't me.


And get your facts straight. I said if you both don't shut it I will give you a 1 hour ban. Apparently Sanders or Boon did the banning on this one.


And while I'm in here.


I'm gettin' tired of some of the drama goin' on these days. Stop the whining and play. And stop tryin' to stir up trouble while playing. It's gettin' old. I try to play CS to have fun. And I find myself having to babysit more and more these days. You guys know the rules.

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