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UT Admin Commands *CONSOLE*


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Here is a list of CONSOLE commands for UT2k3. They are going to be indentical from what I have learned in UT2k4 except they are adding a few more commands, so once those are posted on the unrealadmin.org site I will post them here.


Command Parameters Description


Single Administrator System

adminlogin -string- Logs in as admin

*adminlogout Logs out as admin

*adminmenu Brings up the in-game adminmenu.


*admin kickban -string- / -integer- Kickbans player by name or Player ID.

*admin kick -string- / -integer- Kicks player by name or Player ID.

*admin playerlist Writes the currently connected players, along with their Player IDs, to the server's log.

*admin restartmap Restarts the current map.

*admin switch -string- Restarts the server using the specified URL


*admin switch ctf-face3?game=xgame.xctfgame?mutator=xgame.mutinstagib


*admin addbots -integer- Adds the specified number of bots to the game.

*admin addnamedbot -string- Adds the bot specified to the game.

*admin killall ClassName Destroys all actors of the specified class.

*admin killpawns Kills all pawns (players, bots, redeemer missles, etc.)

*admin killbots -integer- Removes the specified number of bots from the game.


--Advanced Administrator System

*adminlogin -string- -string- Logs in as admin (username password).

*adminlogout Give up administrator privileges.

*adminmenu Brings up the in-game adminmenu.


*admin playerlist Writes the currently connected players, along with their Player IDs, to the server's log.

*admin restartmap Restarts current map.

*admin switch -string- See admin switch under Single Administrator System.

*admin kick list Shows the Player IDs of the currently connected players.

*admin kick -integer- / -string- Kicks the player by PlayerID or PlayerName

*admin kick ban -integer- / -string- Kicks and permanently bans the player by PlayerID or PlayerName

*admin kick session -integer- / -string- Kicks and temporarily bans the player by PlayerID or PlayerName

*admin map -string- Switches the server to the map specified

*admin map restart Restart the current map

*admin map next Switches the server to the next map in the maplist

*admin user list Gives a list of admin names

*admin user del Hasn't been implemented yet

*admin user logged Shows a list of currently logged in admins

*admin bots add -integer- / -string- Adds bots by number of bots or bot name

*admin bots kill -integer- / -string- Removes bots by number of bots or bot name

*admin bots set -integer- Essentially sets minumum number of players for game

*admin mutators used Returns a list of mutators currently in use.

*admin mutators unused Returns a list of mutators not currently in use.

*admin mutators add ClassName Adds a mutator to the game (seperate multiple mutators with spaces)

*admin mutators del ClassName Removes a mutator from the game (seperate multiple mutators with spaces)

*admin maplist used Shows a list of maps currently in rotation

*admin maplist add -string- Adds a map to the maplist (seperate multiple maps with spaces)

*admin maplist del -string- Removes a map from the maplist (seperate multiple maps with spaces)

*admin maplist find -string- Tells you whether a map is part of the current rotation or not (seperate multiple maps with spaces)

*admin game changeto ClassName Switches the server to the specified gametype

*admin game edit ClassName Begin editing game configuration (Classname is optional)

*admin game endedit End game configuration setup, saving changes

*admin game canceledit End game configuration setup, discarding changes

*admin game get ClassName -string- Query the current value of a game setting

*admin game set ClassName -string- Set the value of a game setting (Ex.: xCTFGame MinPlayers 4)

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From what I'm reading, this is basically used by a single admin using a login that is similar to RCON.


We WON'T be doing that. I'll be setting up accounts for people to use the webadmin. (unless it can be justified)

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