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Everything posted by Hambone

  1. Hambone


    Anyone other than me played both those games and reasonably get it?
  2. Hambone

    map vote...

    Maps that create complaints are either 1) truly bad maps or 2) tactical maps. Truly bad map for example is de_scud. There is nothing redeeming about that map in the slightest. Tactical maps are things like as_oilrig, or de_torn to use another example. Non-linear maps where little flames who howl when their bind key for de_dust doesn't convince people. If you want a ton of maps that require no thinking, by all means continue with the de_aztec and de_dust regime. Don't give in to complaints by people like KillA~CommandO though.
  3. Hambone

    map vote...

    So what do you have to say about as_oilrig Mr. ConGregation?
  4. Hambone

    map vote...

    I just dont get how some admin on a whim can add de_volare to the rotation, but everyone fails to see that as_oilrig isn't on there. It's been played something like 25 times in the past 30 days, nearly every day. And every single time it has to be voted on, often with 10+ votes. Now I know whoever the close-minded admin responsible for the rotation won't even look at this, but the statistics are there for those who care to look.
  5. I have a totally demented flash, that will make you want to kill yourself after watching it repeatedly, which you will do. I'm at school and don't have the link, will post once I get home. It's entitled Pokemón Sandwich
  6. Me too! I mean, he flew all the way down to Atlanta to make a 5 word post!
  7. Hambone

    El Barto

    I do that too sometimes, mostly it's out of sheer stupidity though. Then I try to play it off as humorous intentions which maintains a beautiful facade unless someone has read this post
  8. Rofl, your first night was Hambone night rofl. Anyways, what's up hah. Hambone nights aren't a regular event.... yet!
  9. That's about 2-3 years old
  10. I had the scout record a little while back. But since I don't play as much anymore, I tend to lean on my trust awp nowadays
  11. I can keep up with most people awp-wise, except Mokley. He owns me
  12. Article IV, Section iii, Title 4 The correct way to ask for unbanning is not to exclaim "DEEZ NUTZ" to the potential server administrator.
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