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Everything posted by DirtyBird

  1. Apparently you still haven't read the RULES on how to get unbanned.
  2. Clean up the attitude and get rid of the cockyness. When you feel you have done that, post again - and I'll think about lifting the ban.
  3. Hey guys, Sorry I couldn't make it - police academy got in the way of that. I'm glad everyone had fun though, it looked very exciting!
  4. Hey guys, I know a lot of you play Battlefield 2 - I just finished up my first movie I made for it. It's a Battlefield 2 / Black Hawk Down montage. Let me know what you think of it. http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/planetm...2_bhd_final.zip
  5. I live 20 min south of Detroit...and that's definitely the dirtiest city in the US - hands down.
  6. The jurors might think he's guilty...but if the prosecution can't prove it, they have to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt, which is what they did. Does it matter what I think? Not really, Jackson's legal team did their job, and did it well.
  7. And for all of you lazy people, here's a .wmv version of the movie so you don't have to run the demo. http://www.planetmedalofhonor.com/train.wmv
  8. Hey guys, Well, it's been a LONG weekend. Friday I underwent emergency surgery to get my appendix removed after almost rupturing it at my baseball game the previous night. I just now arrived home and have a few weeks before returning to normal activities. I should be back playing Counter-Strike in a little bit, since that's about the only thing I can do. Just wanted to give the heads-up.
  9. Dave Johnston, the creator of Dust and Dust II, will be releasing his latest dust map, Dust_PCG, on May 12th. It will EXCLUSIVELY be on sale with the June issue of PC Gamer UK (which releases on Thursday). For more information and screenshots... http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/news/default.a...bsectionid=1589 Update: High-res screenshots and more information can be found on Dave's personal website... http://blog.johnsto.co.uk/
  10. I'm generally on until 4 or 5:00 a.m. as well. Catch me on Xfire at "thedirtybird".
  11. Nissan Altima~1997 Voiced Dirty Bird Pigeon - In the commercial, a flock of pigeons make a "bombing" run on a freshly washed Altima. The car is allegedly so maneuverable, that they are unable to hit the car before it gets home. The commercial ends with the lead pigeon's beak getting stuck in the garage door. And no, I do not try to poop on cars...for the love of God, people! Hahahaha, holy crap - after many hours of searching, I've found the commercial, check it out! http://www.project2improv.com/birdpoop.mov (right click and save)
  12. Thanks, guys. Weirdest thing is - the only thing left inside of my mom's car was a piece of paper on the front seat. When she went back to the car today to see it, she flipped over the paper and it was the picture of Jesus that she had always carried in her car. Weird.
  13. Update: Both are ok, thank God. The doctors do not know how my mother survived the accident, she was smashed inbetween two semi-trailers on the freeway during the snow storm and then ricocheted into a ditch, while on her way to the scene of my sister's accident. Her SUV is totaled however, but as I say, things can be replaced - people can't. She miraculously came out of the whole thing with cuts and bruises, which is beyond me. She works for our city's detective bureau, so the police were extremely fast and abundant, not leaving her stranded in the car for long, exposed to the cold. My sister is also well, her accident was not as severe - just damage to the rear-end, however it was a hit and run, the guy hit her and another car and then took off. I thank you for your prayers!
  14. Hey guys, Today, my sister and mother were involved in two different car accidents, my mother's involved two semi-trailers. I don't know details on anything right now, but I just wanted to ask for your prayers and to keep my family in mind.
  15. DirtyBird


    The only television show I watch is 24 - and if you don't watch it, you should!
  16. Here's a list of some great map packs as well... http://www.fileplanet.com/100169/0/section/Map-Packs
  17. I'm not a big fan of after-market maps either, like Tides. But Compound is somewhat different - for some reason I like it more and more as I play it. I think we should keep it.
  18. I'll join the "best with the scout" Me and Acid vs. all
  19. B11 for me please. I can attack Xoul and BigShaw simultaneously
  20. Sign me up - I'll be sending my money to the "Fatty Fund" shortly.
  21. Lets just hope the girls aren't as bad as Alien 3... ...now if they're like Aliens, then more power too 'em!
  22. Day of Defeat is my favorite WWII shooter. I can not wait for it to be ported over to Source!
  23. Thank you, sir - however, it's still saying I'm banned.
  24. So after waiting for an admin to come into the Recrud server because some guy kept Tking and rejoining, he then changed his name to mine. Shep entered the server and banned my Steam ID instead of his, therefore I can not get on the Recrud server. An unban would be GREATLY appreciated. -a ticked off DirtyBird
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