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Everything posted by anonymo

  1. Mild language, SFW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OStX_wrWGg The part that got me laughing the most though is the abundance of goose/duck attack videos that are actually on youtube
  2. If I can tear myself away from alcohol and Ableton long enough I might join you guys
  3. Wolfgang, Chromeo, Devo, The Hill, Gaga (<not even added maliciously by SJ) AND STEVE PORTER!!!! <head axplodes> I'm going...
  4. anonymo


    Awww I missed it...I'll get ya next year.
  5. Wow congrats! Strange SJ learned about his own wedding through Facebook though...
  6. Not sure I know anyone qualified for this but I'll ask around...in the meantime, my couch is available for anyone needing a place to stay, we can work out some kind of arrangement...
  7. Wow, looks sweet Sam Someone sure loves the Eggshell white lol! You got lots to play around with, it's going to be fun!
  8. anonymo


    Ah, my bad...it is. I'm sure it will migrate down your way soon enough i fit doesnt show up online beforehand. Last week they did this whole CS scene, it was absolutely hilarious, makes me miss you guys. Might jump on this weekend if I have time
  9. anonymo


    Oh is it a continuation from the old show? The showcase show only just aired a few weeks ago for the first time, and it's in teh HIiiiiiD
  10. Obviously written on the other side of that white jeep...
  11. She did, you never showed. We had pie. You made me rage. Don't worry, it was no pie.
  12. anonymo


    FYI Showcase's Pure Pwnage is probably the funniest show on television right now
  13. She did, you never showed. We had pie.
  14. Hahaha waaaat? I think he's talking about the nuclear tests in the 50's, and how'd they'd stage homes before blowing them up. The most recent reference to this I can think of is when Indiana Jones climbs into a refrigerator to survive a nuclear bomb blast. Bad news for him - my fridge is too complicated. Oh I knew exactly what he meant...waaaaaat?
  15. anonymo


    Well it is the fastest way to get home...
  16. Congrats! Enjoy the euphoria for the next 6 months
  17. So who else thought that was Dingy at first?
  18. Wouldn't there be some conflict of interest if your real estate lawyer was also the mayor? Anyways...weird stuff. What's a "complicated" refrigerator?
  19. Meh, it's a St Patty's thread, it was heading for a hijack. My first and only family dog was a Staffordshire Terrier (Sheba) which we adopted from the pound in Toronto. She was the sweetest dog ever and exhibited amazing jaw control when playing (and loved to eat those apparently indestructible kong toys) . I miss her dearly and have done everything in my power to condemn my idiotic government for this ridiculous pandering. Currently we're fighting the bill and with luck will have it over turned in the next few years. In the meantime they're putting these poor animals down in droves and it infuriates me. Friends attempted to bring in a pup from out of province a few months ago and the government caught them and put it down, a 8 month old pup, within days of catching them...didn't even give them the chance to send it back to the breeder. Gotta love it when they punish an animal for the actions of their owners. If I was more crazy I would go around putting these politicians down. Sorry /rant
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