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Shadow Slayer

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Everything posted by Shadow Slayer

  1. if you peeled a layer of paint off one part of the wall in my room you would see this huge scorch mark but of course I WOuLd NEVER BE DUMB ENOUGH TO SHOOT OFF FiRE WORKS IN THE HOUSE ( wink wink ) S.S.
  2. well if you want to talk about it being a sin then yes according to GOD it is a sin for an unmarried women of any age to have sex. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" but we arnt perfect and it does happen and i think if it does that the mother should do everything in her power to let that child live a normal life or at least give it the option of living a normal life whether that means adaotion or that the mother keep it. S.S.
  3. congrats fat (a wee bit late ) lately i really havnt had time to get on here and read much soooooo grats anyway. S.S.
  4. well now for what i belive. ill start out bye saying what a lot of you allready know. im a christian and belive the bible. i belive it when it says that because im saved thru the blood of Jesus Christ im going to heaven when i die. i place with no sin no pain no death and no crying. " I go to prepare a place for you, and if i go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where i am ye shall be also" <--- Jesus speaking. accor ding to the Bible if i hadnt called and Jesus to save me then i would spend eternity in Hell a place of fire and seperation from God forever. i find comfort in the fact that i belive what God has said in his word and not just whatever my own mind can come up with. thats what the Bible says and that what i think happens after death. S.S.
  5. hmmm i dont know about the rest of you but to me this seems like a slightly pointless topic. looks like we are a little hard up for topics to come up with stuff like this. aand no you dont always get memory loss when you get a concussion. i got a concussion when i was mountain biking one time and i can remember everything leading up to when i flipped the bike and waht happened during the accident and what happened afterwards at the hospital i can even remember the name of the doctor that put the staples in my head and howmany i got and all that good stuff. so no there isnt always memory loss. (this topic sounds like something that should be in wonderland) S.S.
  6. well my thoughts on the subject are that 99% of the time its wrong because 99% of the teenagers now are way to much of a kid themselves o even try to raise one and the parents end up doing all the work. i know at least three girls that had kids in there teens and they dont want to settle down and take care of the kid the way they should they still wanna have there own life(you know what i mean) and just leave the kids with there parents. but i also know one girl that had a kid when she was 17 and she is the most responsible mother i have ever known she was still living at home but she wouldnt let her mom do anything with the baby she wanted to do it all. whenver the kid woke up crying in the middle of the night she would tell her mom to go back to bed and then she would sit up with the baby all night long. so over all i dont think its a good idea (but then again my view is slightly slanted from yours cause i dont belive that sex outside of mariiage is right) im not saying that its horible to have a kid that young ever time but the majority of the time it dosnt turn out too well. my opinion is that they need to live there own life, grow up, and find out who they really are long before they decide to settle down and have a kid. S.S.
  7. hey thanks for all the input guys its muchly apreciated. if i do go ill have to get fat to find somone else to be the moderator for this forum. and i do realize greg that what God wants for my life is what matters most but it still helps to get peopls thoughts on the matter too. and yes i have been thinking about what service would offer the best training for the feilds i want to get into but right now im not really sure what field of study i do want to get into. im just tottaly sick of having a dead end job and not knowing what i want to do with my life and trying to save money to do what ever that turns out to be. im in a rut and i think that the military would be a good experience for me. right now im thinking about a career in pc networking or programing or something cause thats what i enjoy doing. but im not really sure on that either. did you guys have this hard of a time trying to decide what you wanted to do???? i mean im 20 years old i really need to get it together and do something with my life but oh well. im sure you guys really wanted to hear all this oh btw good to see ya back heartless. ttfn S.S.
  8. im seriously thinking about joining up right now. but i have some doubts.... 4 years is a lonnnng time. i think i would enjoy it and it would be good money plus help for college but im just not sure. so what do you guys think???????? S.S.
  9. well yes he is hoping for an advance in journalism. but the small catch is that he has to get permision from the owners of the paper he works for now to do any interviews and so far they havnt let him do anything big. i dont think they really have his best interest in mind like they say but he dosnt have anywhere else to work to pay for college at this time so he has to go along with them. kinda sux. but oh well. ill post more later about any new developments. S.S.
  10. my brother is a celebrity now check out this article about him... http://www.thetoccoarecord.com/tr/articles...0&cat=top_story
  11. sounds interesting. i have tried to write stories before but i never get more then 12 chapters into before i have a brain fart. so i stick with poetry. but keep up the good work its very grasping. (as in it grasps you and wont let you go till you have read it all) good job. S.S.
  12. <---- for you bob. i was stunned to hear the news. i havnt had a chance to come here very often lately because of work and all but greg told me. its a sad thing to lose anyone but especially somone who was as well liked as bob. let me know if you guys are going to set up a fund or anything cause i will contribute if posible. i still cant belive he is gone. RIP bud..... S.S.
  13. well you say that drinking uder age is the stupidest thing you could ever do. well there are accidents every day in which people die and alcohol is involed and they are over aged. i think if you could say that drinking under age is dumb then i could say that drinking when is legal is also dumb. it is a worthless habit to start. how many of you drinkers opened your first beer and took a swig and said "hey this stuff taste Great"??? im willing to bet none of you liked the taste of beer the first time you had it. its an acuired taste. which in my opinion isnt to bright. to work up a taste for something that will eventually kill you one way or another whether it be from an accident while drunk or scerousis of the liver. either way its an awful way to die. so why start?????? ive never had a beer and am never going to cause i can look past this moment and see into the future which is miserable for drinkers. all the ads on tv show happy people drinking well what it dosnt show is when they wake up the next moring and have no idea where they are or how they got there and have the worst headache ever. its a miserable habit. just my opinion.... S.S.
  14. yall might just see me lagging around your servers pretty soon i jsut bought cs. and am waiting for the newest mod to download so i can come try to play. im not sure if my pc and connection are even fast enough to but im trying. ok ttfn. S.S.
  15. didnt know you were in a wheel chair fatty no seriously i was having a hard time picking which one of the people in the middle row was you. S.S.
  16. i would have liked to play high school sports but i was homeschooled my whole life soooo didnt really get the chance. now i have a b-ball team with some guys from my church but we stink. well they do anyway i should get somone to take my pic right as im dunking then i could post that in here., S.S.
  17. Shadow Slayer


    i think ill just forget girls and stick with having a dog. you dont have to do anything to make a dog happy besides walk into a room. you dont have to buy it flowers you dont have to take it out to dinner and you never have to meet its parents. all you do is feed it and take it outside every once in a while and it will be your best buddy all its life. scratch its ears and its in doggy heaven. much more simple then a girl friend. (and dont go getting perverted thoughts into your head about a dog instead of a girl friend either. im not like that ) S.S.
  18. Shadow Slayer


    Heartless broke Rev's heart i think my sis might have a little somthing to say about that if it were true S.S.
  19. Shadow Slayer


    hey hey heartless, how ya been. havnt seen you in a loooong time. whatcha been up too? ok im out. S.S.
  20. The Dread Pirate Roberts..... (used to be my msn handle.) can anyone guess what movie that from? S.S.
  21. Shadow Slayer


    hey yall what do you call a smart blond????????????????????? a golden retreiver. :):):)
  22. hey greg you forgot a nickname...... G.A.L. (his initials) we used to call him that just to tease em. S.S.
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