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Everything posted by DNA

  1. DNA

    G15 Users

    Nice...Unclean it is like the add-on things you can get from logitech for certain games that have some features built into the game. Let us know how it works.
  2. LOL okay tooooo much hands on time cujo
  3. Mhen SJ your a lover with your big ....<looking at shadows> I know your around here!!!!
  4. i like number two... It's my favorite too!
  5. I Would aggre but I would look at more as a time save thing, something to where you do not have to stop and do some strokes. That is the bene, I would hope people would not use them for combats, or at least to the sense that it would be close to a BOT playing...boooo for level 80 bots people..
  6. Really it is not, I only started last week and I am almost to 30, so you can get going...just get the game.
  7. I plan on doing some time over the next couple of nights but will be doing some all day/night stuff on Sat and Sun...So Ewok you must have game by the W/E!!! And D..You too, just get it and play with us.
  8. Ya, its only a keyboard I can not help it if it has extra keys.
  9. Ya we could get the Snake Mhen in....Just get it, and if nobody else will help you out I know Mo and I can help you from getting ganked.. We like that!!!
  10. I can only imagin if I was to lag out during it...my GOD it would give me like 100,000 xp
  11. With the G15 you get that built into the software, not sure about the every 60 minute timing thing though.
  12. Okay I forgot to say that I love nothing more then to get in the middle of the spiderlings swarm with like 4-6 and hit the parasitic swarm and watch them all die and become my little pets!!!! HAHAHAHA I love it...
  13. OKay so last night I was in the middle of fighting some nasty spiders up in the hills and guess what I lagged out...Ohhhh NO I am fo shor dead right... Nope Logged right back in and thought okay am I still in a fight...ready for actions. Nope, It moved me back about 25 meters (nice safe plave) and...here is the big one...all of sudden I have about 35,000 more perience points..HELLO... DADDY LIKE!!! So I spent the whole night trying to lag out again but no luck. I did finally find a trainer to do my repec, so that is better and i am only about 5000 away from 26, so my goal is to be over 30 after tonight. I only got to put in say 2 hours yesterday. Got some better level 2 spells at 25, so I hope to try them out tonight.
  14. My frost is the only thing that saves me..I think right now it is 3-4 seconds. I can usely get a worm blast in b4 I can do another Frost.
  15. DNA


    Now the GPS thing has me interested...I was just going to wait for GPS on my psp, but hey why not get a iphone and dump my cell phone and gps idea for this...plus diss my old 3rd gen ipod...Hmmmmmm just maybe.
  16. So this is what I have now as I think..: DNA'S Necro
  17. What do you men repec?? I can get feat points back?? Should I or are the ones in the nightfall okay?
  18. This is it...come one give me somthing...why not just tell me punch myself in the eggs!! P.S. True that a fix is a fix, but we need some other big fixs in the works.
  19. LOL...Now I have to run mine on low setting to get good fps even with the 8800 and the 64X2 opty, but it may also be because my MB chipset fan is blown.. found that one out yesterday. I could not figure out why after 6 1/2 hours of AoC things were getting choppy...hehehe New fan should be in by wednesday. So my AoC time with have to be limited to 3-4 hours until it is fixed. I am hoping that after the fix I can put things back up into med or high, it is also running at 1440x900 WS....sooo not soo bad. Yes the graphics are still very good on low, I was surprised...
  20. Is it not good logging into a dead character? So I have had almost the same issues or slash events. I find when I get into an area with a lot of gankers that I make my minons go after the gankers as they attack the others and then stealth. Now 50% of the time the run off and so I just let the minons chase them until they are dead and cast some more. Now if the start attacking the minons then I stealth into the trees or something and start hitting the crap out of them with ice storms and worms. LOL Now the fun part is when people see my minons attacking a NPC and I see them looking for me or where I am stealth because they will follow them back to me and try and find me, so I send them off to attack another NPC. Now if they are still waiting to find me then it is go time. after the second attack and they are waiting I send them after them, and if they are silly enough to stand there and attack then it is go time and out comes the ice storm. Now with my Necro I can not defend myself when I am engaged in combat with a NPC and get ganked behind, then it is game over. P.S. I was ROFL when Dragon was playing with me the other day and my minons went to attack her and she is just standing there giggling about how it tickles...LOL Felt soooo demasculated. P.S.S. Also on the other hand I have had two maybe three realy good experiences with people who ask to join me or I ask to join with them and it is a great experience, and everyone is very nice. I really just want to get a level 80 and go wander around killing little gankers...
  21. Ha I was thinking she would protect us.. LOL Sounds good to work together when we are on, I am almost at 25 should have it in a hour or two at most. My Necro is fine, but the armor thing is a little tough, I find that when I solo it is very slow pace because I need to stealth and send my minons out to do the dirty work. I mobs of 2 maybe 3 at 1 or 2 levels lower I am good, but at 2+ at the same or higher level I am using a postion fo sure. I am really hoping that something will come soon in the next 5-10 levels that will let me kick some butt. I am really confused on one thing: I used feats on my nightfall section and not very many on my reannimation section. Is there more nightime stuff I will do later on after the noob island or did I waste them.??!!
  22. <tear> Pablo, come back to Florida..
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