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Everything posted by Peckles

  1. I've had Red Bull once before (excluding jager bombs) and thought it was gross. Jager bombs are awesome though.
  2. I'm rarely on when I'm not playing, but I try to remember =/
  3. *puts on party hat* Happy birthday bud!
  4. And how come his web comes out of his wrists when spider webs really come out of...y'know...
  5. Yup, you read correctly. I'm getting a cold. First one in like 2 years, and I'm thrilled Oh well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
  6. The penguins that made the suin for him knew what they were doing. It's a trade secret, and I can't divulge the information.
  7. Ohhhh picky picky. Don't you have a carrot to ooo and ahhh over?
  8. You're all just jealous because I'm stylish AND a ninja.
  9. This is my cool knife and my wicked reebok gloves! Another screenie, this time with a pile of guns added in to the mix!
  10. I have a carrot for you if YOU have a sedative for ME.
  11. Peckles


    It's alright, we all know rabbits can't read. They make a wicked stew though.
  12. Hmm...I'd make her breakfast in bed, but my cooking is probably poisonous, so maybe me NOT making breakfast for her will be enough? With a card.
  13. Haha, well, if it was, it clearly didn't work.
  14. Three words: STOMP STOMP STOMP!
  15. He likes long walks no the beach, but only if riding piggy back on his luscious frog-woman. He drinks virgin margeritas and play squash by himself. When he's not stacking empty tictac containers in to the shapes of various male actors, he can be found in the local chickenyard clucking and pretending to lay eggs.
  16. Peckles

    Last final?

    I nominate peckles...as he wouldn't need to change! Peckles IS a toy and boy does he LIKE it! Wait...did duma say he was finished exams somewhere?!?! You're not allowed to be finished! !!!! He does NOT like it!!! You're just mad because you smell like you rolled all over a bunch of dead fish in an off-leash dog walking area.
  17. Peckles

    2 bdays

    *puts on a party hat and sits in a corner by himself*
  18. http://www.gamrs.co/forums/in...showtopic=24586 At least it's worth doing twice, right?
  19. Peckles

    Last final?

    I'll do it. What do I need to know? Let's do it by committee!
  20. *snif* Alright, I will try to adhere to your rules, but know that you have the blood of a most beloved pink pony on your hands!
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