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J. Dunlavy

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Everything posted by J. Dunlavy

  1. I would be estatic. Free meals delivered to your doorstep are indeed divine gifts! Remember: The cuter the tastier.
  2. Fight it. Don't let the idiocy of a simpleton cause you to take a step backwards. Let this be a future lesson, however, to keep your nose clean. You never know when someone can and will use past dirt to cause problems for you.
  3. Butter knife? You disappoint me. I would repeatedly tap on your head with a spoon until it exploded. Large iced mocha? C'mon dude, it's not McDonalds. This thread has been derailed. I digress.
  4. Wow, people really don't like stats here. You could make the stats private so only GC members could access them. That would probably eliminate pub bickering.
  5. You'd be the first to die on my long list of people to execute.
  6. If you don't keep quiet I'm turning these stats around right now and going home. ...That made sense not.
  7. I'm going to be honest. Most people who know me in actual life can attest to this, although the chance of this actually happening is low... I want power. Simply put, the ability to influence and direct other peoples' lives (in both political and personal aspects) appeals to me over money, safety and even family life. That be said, everybody should be thankful that I will probably be kept from much power, since I would be the cruelest and most bloodthirsty dictator ever. Years of video games and an almost callous skepticism of human nature has left me with no unconditional regard for human life... I believe that life is only worth sustaining when the person has actual merit. That said, I support the death penalty, and I would be thrilled to be judge, jury, and executioner. ** sigh ** But, your dreams of home ownership and finding “love� are good too. I’m going to Starbucks.
  8. I would think stats be the priority. I mean... they're STATS. Right now there is a blank page.
  9. Wow... uh... your computer sucks. **laughs sadistically**
  10. You! Quit slapping the crap out of me when I camp w/ AWP. That's a valid strategy! One that's very underused.
  11. Who the heck is John Dunlavy? My name is Josh Dunlavy. J. Dunlavy is simply my first initial and my last name.
  12. Meh, they're alright. I'm more metal, myself. Check out this: http://www.myspace.com/heartagram Listen to "Wings of a Butterfly" if you want good emo / dark. Fantastic, eerie lyrics.
  13. J. Dunlavy


    I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I don't see it anywhere in the top few pages. Any of you maintain MySpace profiles? MySpace is, after all, the cultural phenomenon of the internet... and thusly loaded with dribble and crap.
  14. What browser do you use? I'll take a screenshot so you guys know what I'm talking about. In IE, the menu doesn't preload the images... so you have to wait after opening submenus. Also, sometimes the submenus don't even open or they open in the top left (x: 0, y: 0) cordinates of the browser.
  15. When I have one, the "noob cannon" might as well be hailed as the Doom Cannon. Cause you'll die. You'll die seven times before you hit the ground. I don't play on GC servers exclusively cause sometimes the two I like are full. Then I go to TooL. When I get a reserve, hence no waiting, then I'll be exclusive. <--- Me hugging GC <--- Your reactions
  16. In one post, you have reconfirmed my decision to avoid having children at all costs (I even got an operation and I’m freshly 25). My life will be one of pretentiousness, materialism, and relatively stress free compared to the less selfish people who choose to contribute to the world's overpopulation problem.
  17. I just wanted to know a few things: Are stats really recorded here? Whenever I try to access stats I get a blank page. Also, does any other IE 6 user have troubles with the GC web menu not preloading images? Broken submenus? I find that menu to be somewhat cumbersome. I am a web developer, so any future labor on the website could be something I might assist in. Anyway, that's it. I'm already hating the menu and I'm DYING to see the stats. Sincerely, Dunlavy
  18. I'm in... more than likely. I just sent PayPal money to dues@gamerscoalition.com and am awaiting confirmation. See you guys in #3 and Scopeless. *thinks to self* Now that I'm GC I'll have to watch my temper better.
  19. I'd post pictures of my Christmas, but I think that too many of you would find a desperate, sobbing person lying face down in the gutter, blanketed by empty bottles of wine too depressing. But yeah. The baby looks JUST like the mom.
  20. Yeah, John, we're still around. We leave, though, as I'm currently looking into the Seattle area. I need a place to be pretentious and wear berets, y' know? I have to go to Starbucks now. :-) I suppose. You'll have a hard time, though, finding errors in my posts. Huked on fonics werked for me.
  21. Just felt like sharing: Gamer's Coalition is perhaps the best gaming community I've seen online. In fact, since GC servers are the only servers I ever visit any more, I want to step up my existence in them and become a member... possibly an admin, but I will wait to see how well received the idea of me w/ power is (and if GC even requires one) once I am more established here. So, for now, expect $50 from me in the next few days or so. I look forward to the GC tag (with pride!) and not having to suffer that horrid redirect when I attempt to join in a reserve slot. …It’s aggravating. I usually play on Counter Strike Source #3, but occasionally go to "Scopeless" when I feel like not dealing with AWPers. Anyway, just wanted to say "Hello" and "Thanks." Thanks, mainly, for creating an atmosphere that's not conducive to vulgarity, porn sprays and other countless annoyances that's not only present in regular pubs... it's prevalent. I can talk my fair amount of crap, but I much prefer the subdued GC environments. Sincerely, Josh R. Dunlavy P.S. Please forgive my proper spelling and grammar.
  22. Dude, I'm the exact same way. Most the time I'm fanciful and god-like, but some days I can't muster 1.5 ratio or higher. Then I get angry with myself and it goes downhill even further.
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