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Everything posted by ShadowCaster

  1. Ahhh.......yes two days ago. That was a blast. CT and UT...ahhh yes. Plus orange soda and your excellent fooseball skills Playaa.
  2. Pselus!! I'm around the Lou area. I can hook up and play also. Well, if ya want. How bout you give me a call ya tool!!?
  3. Hmm......I'll say my stuff and then get in trouble. Aight here's how I see it. Catholics can be Christians but a vast majority(At least from the one's in my town) use it like a crutch. They use it to sin and feel good about doing what ever they just want to do. Cause if they can just go to a preist and be forgiven then why worry about it? There seems to not be a large emphasis strictly on "We believe in Christ and wish to follow His teachings". Seems more focused on the rituals and stuff. A lot of Catholics treat it like a job or something seem required to do it and treat it like part of the routine, I mean don't get me wrong the protestant church also does this with their Sunday and Wednesday services sometimes. But not to the same extent usually. The focus on Mary and the Saints are somewhat offensive to me also. Because our ONLY worship should be directed toward Christ. And also, I'm a saint according to the Bible, so why don't people treat me the same as those saints? Now I do believe some Catholics are super on fire for Christ. And I know some that are. I also think that a lot of protestants aren't truly Christians either. A true Christian can't be determined by denomination and in some instances not even by their words and actions. A true Christian is made from the heart and the trust and belief in Christ and the willingness to follow Him in every way possible. So that's why I can decided in my mind whether I think a person is a Christian but I try not to trust in it with all my heart, because I can't see theirs. Also, Christ is the only way to heaven. If you aren't following Christ, you are going to burn in Hell for eternity. I know a lot of people say that's intolerant, A good God wouldn't do that, blah blah blah. But here's the bottom line...Christ said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6-7 NIV No if, and, or buts. The truth is the truth, whether you believe it is or not. Also the Bible is the story of history/future and life. I have read the beginning, most of the middle, and the end. Guess what!!! We win!!!!! Isn't it better to be on the side that wins?
  4. I'm Christian through and through. Actually I'm one of the first Christians!!! *some will get it*
  5. hmmm......wow. You umm....got mad and showed it. That's great.
  6. Ok.......hmmm if you can do the meeting thing tonight. Let's try to do it after 7 pm. Post the times you'd like to do it..........and if you'll be there
  7. Same here dude. I explain much better in a chat situation than a post. And I would probably also have some ?'s for you to. So here's my info. AIM=danman111784 MSN Messenger=danielthehunk@netscape.net e-mail=danielthehunk@netscape.net This is open for anyone who has questions or just wants to talk about stuff going on. I hope I won't freak you out.
  8. First off, ok now that that's done. I'm going to the next comment. LOL Ok here we go. First off, God did not want to create Hell but because he is also a just God in collaboration with being forgiving, he must give what is due to those who oppose and break his rules. Now, this seems kinda contradictory to the whole Jesus covers my sins stuff, but it's not. See, God does not see our Sins anymore so it is not going against him, it's like if I was blind to seeing chicken, I would say it doesn't exist. But yeah, like I said in another post there is one sin he will not forgive: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Sorry if I didn't explain things clearly, I have a hard time writing down my ideas.
  9. Answers to some of Orbit's questions 1.) Yes, because the Bible forbids it. 2.) Hell was created for Satan and his followers. (Which is anyone that does not accept Christ) It is a forgiving religion. We are to forgive everyone, however there is one unpardonable sin that God said....and that is to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Which I believe means to not accept Christ. 3.) The devil was at one time an Angel in heaven. But he decided that following God was not enough. He wanted to be equal/above God in status. He mutinied against God with other angels trying to overthrow him.(Umm..maybe not the best wording, but I'm trying my best to explain) Then he was thrown out of heaven and became what we call the devil. His original name was Lucifer. He hates us because he knows that when he takes one of us to hell with him it hurts God.....so he uses us as revenge against God.(I think this at least, and it seems to be the most logical reason) 4.) I haven't researched this subject enough to aptly explain it. 5.) No he wasn't but I don't know exactly when it was, but many think it was in the spring or Summer. Actually in regards to December 25, scholars say that the church arbitrarily selected December 25th as the day to celebrate Jesus's birthday in order to counter pagan celebrations of winter solstice. That's kinda weird for me to think about and kinda makes me a little mad. 6.) Easter Sunday is the day we remember to celebrate when Jesus Christ raised from the dead after 3 days in the tomb. Well I answered them as best I could and to my knowledge and beliefs. Always remember that facts and looking for it can never truly explain Christ fully. You will never truly understand Him or what he really did until you choose to follow and commit your life to Him.
  10. I'm here to back you up with my own twisted yet surprisingly realistic views and facts to the subject at hand while trying to keep a balance of tolerance and the pure stated facts of God.........LOL J/k I'll just tell things how I think and know it to be.........Ask some really tough questions, I love those. Also, this is open to anyone including other Christians......it's good to answer things we wonder about.
  11. I agree with you Catalysts sorta. I'm probably going to misquote some things from posts so please address them later if I do. Ok first thing, I am a Christian myself, so this will affect some of my views......obviously. Ok I believe that Christianity is the only truth out there in the terms of religion. (I hate the term religion!!!) I know a bit about quite a few religions and even have read some things I probably shouldn't have to do it. While I agree that in the context of "Satanism=worshipping Satan" that paganism does not neccesarily fall into this category. I also believe that any religion that puts deities or the focus of worship on anything but God AND Jesus is against what is truth and therefore is working for the enemy of my faith. So if it is working for the enemy in my faith, which it says in the Bible that this is a true statement(I'll get verses later if you want them), then it is evil and it is Satanistic. Now I'm not a Bible thumper per say. I hate people who give crap to people from other "religions". It is so contradictory to my/their religion when they do it. You know what, I'm a hypocrite and so is everyone else in the Christian faith, but that doesn't change the truth. Darnit, off subject again. But yeah, the "Christians" who go to other people and say "You're burning in Hell if you don't change, I'm forcing you to follow my religion" are not being good witnesses at all to the truth. But I don't mind stating the facts or my opinions when asked. ----I've talked enough.. LOL
  12. Well, I was raised in a Christian home all my life. I have always gone to church. I was babtized in a camp when I was in 2nd grade I think, but I'm not sure if that was really my decision or if I did it because I thought I was suppose to because of everyone else doing it. I got into depression about 6 years ago and put God to the side. I tried to do everything myself. I couldn't I got deeper and deeper into depression. I constantly thought about suicide and semi-attempted several times. I was in trouble 24/5 at school. I was expelled from the school I went to right before I moved to where I now reside. I moved here and before the end of the first quarter the public school here asked me to leave. So then I tried homeschooling, but that didn't work. So now I go to a private Christian school. But yeah, this whole time I was still depressed and could not believe anyone or anything could love me. So I would act like a Christian at church and then like a punk at home. Well about 2 years ago at CIY (Christ In Youth) during the last day at worship time, I asked Jesus to take me.....I started to weep and I could not control it. I had this rush and feeling inside , my body was trembling. I felt LOVE!!! For the first time I could remember I felt loved and understood that's what it was. Well I still struggled with depression til about 1 week ago. I had something happen to me that put me over the edge and I went outside and cried to God. Then the next day something clicked in my head. I now realize the truth and want everyone to know it too. I'm no longer a slave to depression like I was. I am now a Jesus Freak. Remember that all our problems will not go away right as we accept Christ, new ones will arise, some will remain, others will vanish,,,but we can be comforted in the fact that God is real and that we will be with him some day.
  13. My aunt was raised a druid....Uncle Scott's wife. It is when they are taught to worship nature and trees..........kinda like elves that you hear about in stories that control and go to nature...............Except they can't really control nature...............................I'm really confusing!! LOL
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