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Everything posted by mrX

  1. FYI, I will take noone's word except fellow Mmmm for a ban. Part of our job is to be fair isn't it? Of course the logs were checked. The time b/w posts was the time it took b/w the original post, my regular job, and actually searching the logs. This guy deserved what he got. If I remember right, he connected under a few different aliases, each time claiming "I didn't know friendly fire was on", and then proceeded to kill teammates. Just don't feel it necessary to explain each time that the logs were checked, yes the poster was right, the player is banned. Much cleaner to say "Done. Thanks." and be on with it. This post kinda made me but I know you mean well so
  2. I'd take it as a compliment. The closer you are to the community, the higher the expectation. You must be in the inner circle to have had such high expectations of you.
  3. This is being checked for sure Playaa.
  4. haha rev!!! The server is being "mediated" in optional C-D mode atm. If you have 18 kills with a 2:1 ratio, you will be kicked unless you have C-D. So in a way it's semi-required.
  5. This along with Playaa's previous "Would it be considered cheating to..." thread combine for a good laugh.
  6. There are only two variations of the word in the filter that will get you slapped. So: "C-D disables hacks" will not get you slapped; whereas, "that guy's a hacker" or "he hax" will get you slapped. Hope that helps. It really just tones down the accusations, doesn't completely eliminate all the words.........yet
  7. If you're having problems with C-D, try the following: 1) Disable your hax - those pesky things only add lag to the wonderful job C-D is doing; 2) Read This Carry on!!
  8. Why poke here? This is being closed.
  9. mrX

    It's a boy!!!!

    For those that may not know, my wife, aka "Preggers", and I are having a baby. Just got back from the doctor's office. After several tries, we finally got confirmation: IT'S A BOY!!!! At least the doc says she's 98% sure it is, which is good enough for me to start painting the room.
  10. A $4 wrist strap connected to a plugged-in computer's frame does wonders for avoiding the static mishaps. Of course, it coulda just been on it's last leg anyway. GL with the Asus!! That's my next board for sure.
  11. Coulda been a power spike that got thru your surge protectors if it happened to both computers; yours may have just taken longer to finally die. When you pick up the new power supply, pick up a new surge protector. I always go with doubling them up; one protector that covers the wall outlet with other protectors plugged into that. Dunno if it really helps, but it eases my mind.
  12. CD FAQ Follow that link. It may help you with any FPS or sound problems.
  13. You were IP banned, which is unbanned now, didn't know it was also a WonID ban. Post up your WonID and it'll get taken care of.
  14. I'm with Fat on needing a big desk to play on. Here's my setup for my 3 machines: The two in the right pic are linked via a KVM switch (very nifty). A linux box for mini-Trop and a windows box for my wife.
  15. Ok, time again for the jury to be empaneled again. Today's cases: bounty-X 1133458 yun 87615 yun's demo For those of you around last nite, you got to see a hilarious example of Fatty abusing an obvious hacker, ie bounty-X. For those not around, you really missed a treat. Here's a sample: As for yun, take a look at the demo, and give me a verdict. Additional evidence for your consideration: That'll be all.
  16. mrX

    Yo Fatty

    It's a lyric from Eminem's song Stan for all you old folks out there.
  17. mrX

    What do the.....

    Agreed. Much easier to read thru this way.
  18. mrX

    Cheating Death?

    Would someone like to prove this please? Most administrators call this a great program. While average players say it's useless. Gotta say I err on the side of the admins here, the average player has too much interest in it not working. Of course, there is always a work around. But useless?? I have yet to see anywhere that this is actually useless. Prove it.
  19. www.metamod.org must be down. I put it up on a small host here: Download This The plugins.ini file has settings for amx and hlguard already in there. Edit as needed. Just remember to load metamod as the game dll.
  20. mrX

    Cheating Death?

    What exactly does WWCL do? The newest HLGuard appears to take this function over by incorporating WWCL forced settings on clients. And it can be run with CD. Does the WWCL that's talked about do any more than force clients to have certain settings like HLG now does?
  21. mrX

    Cheating Death?

    Use HLSW to connect It'll start CD if required, and not if not. A new client has been released recently. See: http://www.unitedadmins.com/
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