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Everything posted by Pvt_Jimmah

  1. It's for you all, thanks for the great feedback. Xterminator you lived to play Lando, you gots soul brotha. And ConGregation, trust me, you would look hot in the bun do...
  2. Thanks alot fatty, I think I'm gonna go through one more change though, seeing some more suggestions from you guys... Changing star wars in the Mmmmpire logo to MCC VI and changing the rating to CS, so the hosted pic is gonna change, sorry... But thanks everyone for their good comments!
  3. Thanks alot I'll change some of this stuff: Taking out the bomb, I hope the AWP fits (seems like Vader should weild some power!) Adding actor names by Post count... so all you posters are rewarded I'll find yermoth3rs pic somewhere
  4. There's a program that I LOVE called dbPowerAMP that allows you to convert your CD songs into mp3s, as well as mp3s to wavs, wavs to mp3s. I find it especially helpful when I am am done mixing my songs in wav, so I can convert them to mp3s of varying qualities.
  5. Well, the reason HL2 isn't being released is because it isn't finished, but CZ was when it got leaked.
  6. #1 saying of a noob: Hi, my name is Jimmah.
  7. I did answer his question, he told me to translate, but nothing on the site talks about CS maps.
  8. Since everyone is getting all in depth about the name stuff, I'll expand my "guy from England thing." Back in the day, I got into this little computer game called 3D Movie Maker, it was pretty cool, you could make 3D movies with like 30 different characters. Most movies now are technical and story masterpieces, you can see the community for the game at www.3dmm.com. Anyway, there really was this guy from England who was a director called Private Jimmah, the most cynical Englishman alive with the most stereotypical Englishman drawl. He was cool, and he hated the sun, so I stole his name.
  9. Fine, don't ask for help ever again...
  10. When you live in the next room from Keebler, you never get any sleep when he plays CS.... OH MY GOD!!! NO WAY!!! ARGGGGG!!!! P.S. Keeb didnt see this
  11. God dag , JAG er inte mycket god med Svensk , utom Jag var undrande om du har en 20 besätta version av aim_map_usp. tack själv. For övrig , Tjock har en skinande huvud. There you go, It's in Swedish.
  12. Private Jimmah was this guy from England, I stole his name and hid him in the farthest corners of Essex...
  13. I tried logged out of Steam to get my update to work, and now Steam has forgotten that my e-mail address even exists and it is sure that I don't have an internet connection, even though I am posting this message right now. Any ideas on what is wrong? Your friendly neighborhood idiot, Jimmah
  14. Nice shot h0b0! I have yet to get multiple headshots with one bullet, but my time will come. If you have the same setup as me, your screenshots will have been saved to: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YourEmail\counter-strike\cstrike And of course your e-mail isn't my e-mail, but you should find your screenies in time. HIHOOO HOBO AND AWAY!!!! Your friendly neighborhood garbage man, Jimmah
  15. EL BARTO! I thought you fell off the face of the earth, but I guess you fell onto the face of diplomacy. I too am trudging my way through my Senior year, but I still can't put away CS. All A's though Good luck for the future... Jimmah
  16. Just got done watching, w0w. I've never seen hacks first person, its pretty crazy. gj Sheep on the demo
  17. Well, the only reason I posted this was that Campkillyourself (alias I <3 Angelina Jolie) was trying to get him banned, and he was afraid that this would happen. Just givin' a brotha some support when the man is trying to take him down! ELF POWER! P.S. lol at moss
  18. If everyone doesn't know that Keeb is my brother, well you do now. I ASSURE the community that Keeb does not hack, because if he did, do you think I would put up with the endless times he has killed me without walking over to the next room and punching him in the face? The only reason that CampKill aka Angelina Jolie aka Shocktech is complaining is that he has been owned too many times... Besides, why does no one raise hell when M0ss or the like do well? Anyway, I am speaking on behalf of my bro, who only plays CS to have fun and escape from the monotonous Oklahoma life. Your friendly neighborhood nub, Jimmah
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