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Everything posted by Xterminator

  1. I can't help but make every comment about Kessel a food related pun. Say what you will Stutters but even in his worst condition, Kessel was still the fastest skater in the league. Imagine how fast he could be if he was actually in shape!. Now that he's in Pittsburgh and surrounded by decent players, he has no excuse to not shine. I think 2015-2016 will be a big year for him. I also think he's going to smarten up, lose weight and actually be coachable!
  2. It's lunch time, I'm starving but I'm stuck at work for another hour. Someone kidnap me and bring me bacon?
  3. Free agent frenzy is underway. My Leafs are in total rebuild mode after selling Kessel for scraps.
  4. One of my friends from about 10 years ago had an actual addiction to the game.. even got to the point he dropped out of school to play It's scary how addicting games can be. I was addicted to Diablo 3 to the point where I was spending real money in the AH. Thankfully I broke the vicious cycle, sold all my stuff in the RMAH and made most of my money back. Back in the day my bro was addicted to Diablo 2 and would play it non-stop. It got so bad that my dad would simply come down to the basement and literally pull the plug on the computer while my brother played.
  5. I remember playing the beta and going through a 10 hour session without realizing it. That's when I decided to delete the game for my own good!
  6. Not sure why this thread wasn't moved directly here: http://gamrs.co/forums/index.php?/forum/282-stuff-that-we-think-should-be-in-wonderland-but-the-people-in-wonderland-disagree-so-here-it-is-forum/
  7. My sincerest condolences go out to his family. I pubbed with him a few times on the CS servers. Great guy, great attitude. He will be missed.
  8. I'm due for my dues and the store won't let me purchase the $30 annual package. Does this mean I get free server control for life?
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