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Everything posted by Barto

  1. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-...G=Google+Search well im out of guesses!
  2. it took a while but it was worth it to make sure we have a great season! Look forward to getting fragged by y'all!
  3. The reason that it was closed is because people were being immature and offensive on it. Frankly i was very interested in the range of generally well supported arguments I saw, it looked really quite intriguing and well thought out, but some people couldnt keep it civil so it got closed. As for this thread, we'll see how it progresses... if we can stay respectful of everyones opinions and be gentlemanly here im sure it will be a great discussion.
  4. From now on, in a g0t b4nn3d thread there shall only be posts by people who were THERE when the deed was done, the person the deed was done to, me, and anyone else whom i specifically ask/invite/allow to post. No more of this spectator outside opinion stuff, mind ur own biz If you have a particular piece of relevant information to contribute to a given got banned thread, feel free to email me at el_barto_strikes@yahoo.com or catch me on AIM at MmmmBarto. Otherwise, dont post! Thanks!
  5. what not to do after you get banned.... MSBMichael: Barto, look I dont hate you nor have intension. I want to truce you weither you dont ban me or not ok. Your a good funny guy lets keep it at that please. MmmmBarto: did you reply to my post at g0t b4nn3d? MmmmBarto: i said everything i need to say in that MSBMichael: Yea, I tried to keep it simple nice MSBMichael: I understand man MSBMichael: Delete it plz? MmmmBarto: why? MSBMichael: Well, why leave it up as a topic for everyone to stare at ? MmmmBarto: ill let everyone who has been interested in it see how it was resolved, that way it doesnt look like im trying to hide anything MSBMichael: So im banned forever? MmmmBarto: Yes. MSBMichael: gg MSBMichael signed off at 9:53:46 PM. MSBMichael signed on at 9:53:53 PM. MSBMichael: no offense MmmmBarto: i dont wanna hear it, really MSBMichael: I just feel disapointed for someone who holds a grudge on me, when I been nothing but nice MSBMichael: so dont act dorky to me kid MSBMichael: gnight have a good life MmmmBarto: i got nothing to say to you. cya MSBMichael: u just did kid MSBMichael signed off at 9:54:43 PM.
  6. I said everything i wanted to say. This case is closed, and the ban stays.
  7. I would sooner close the thread because SOME people are being monstrously disrespectful of other's opinions. Whats the point of a debate if you're not even going to pretend to entertain the ideas of others? Just skimming this thread i saw people being conceited, mean, and depressingly ignorant. Thats why i would close it. Frankly, I'm disappointed... I was 100% behind the institution of this forum because I thought everyone could be mature enough to handle it and treat other people with respect. Thanks for proving me wrong guys. In my opinion, we all had a chance to talk about things like civilized people, and the chance was blown. I'd vote for removal of the forum.
  8. Raiden... Why do i sense deja vu here. Many times our paths have crossed, and we have been continuously forgiving of you, every time warning you that we're watching, and that one transgression more will put you over the edge into Permanent Ban land. Frankly, this recent trouble just illustrates to me that no matter how many times you are warned or chastised, you will refuse to learn and obey our rules. I'm sorry if you find this unfair, but we've been very tolerant with you in the past.
  9. Barto


    Bob? is that you? Did you really go through the trouble of creating a "Poo on Bart" avatar?! im not sure if i should be honored or enraged. everyone is against me. you're all banned!
  10. Yar, can we get Teknik's approval on this one? i'll ask him next time i see him around. Odds are you'll be back soon.
  11. Just because we have no way of knowing, and impersonation of an Mmmm is a high crime, this case will remain unsolved until i see a video of you two together admitting your faults or something like that. Sorry, but thems the rules.
  12. I will look into it. Wonid? While the subject is open i've seen more behavioral problems with some other |S-T| players in server. Nothing terrible, and I won't name names, but whoevers in charge there just make sure your guys know our rules. Thanks!
  13. So did we. For policy's sake, the wonid will remain banned unless there is proof of innocence...
  14. maybe i should post a pic of the hair in all of its wonder
  15. what can i say, i didn't choose it it chose me (im talking about the hair of course) But i have bad news for you guys... im going to get it cut soon...
  16. hey, dont invade on my responsibilities! abusing hambone is in my job description
  17. proud to be [Hambone]Hamfragulator!!
  18. THIS IS THE WORST THREAD I HAVE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I mean seriously! Is this a brutal mob mentality here??? Nothing got turned into something far bigger than nothing and it's really not cool. All I see in this thread is majorly disappointing immaturity in places I wouldn't expect to see it. This is closed, and if anyone ever breathes mention of it again I'll be unhappy.
  19. im changing the rules so everyone can get a fair chance. e-mail serous guesses to el_barto_strikes@yahoo.com the person who gets it most accurately wins the super secret mystery prize. be sure toi include your in game name
  20. dug this sucker up, hadnt seen it for a long time. Really a great piece of equipment. STILL WORKS!!!!!! I know what it is and how it works, but do you?
  21. if this is another one of those LAME "surprise pop up AHHH" thingies then i am not impressed. Thats the kinda thing u fall for once and once only.
  22. i am a proud triumph TR3A owner, the old 1950s-60s british touring sports convertibles. theres a car that really has the sports car sound. I should and will record a sample of me redlining the little 2.0 four-banger just so you can experience the REAL sound of a REAL car... and thats not made in some cheap-o big gauge muffler, its all engine baby
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