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Everything posted by linch

  1. more details... where at, etc. interesting indeed!
  2. I asked a simlilar question 2 or 3 months ago. How to do it, etc. Didn't get to much info though. Lunk.. what vid card are you using to import the video, and how are you importing the sound as well? I guess the thing I'm wondering is... does the software your using automatically sync the audio and video? I've downloaded a few different software packages. What are you using to import? I might have something that will work better for you.
  3. Happy Holidays everyone... be safe!
  4. I went to logged on last night for a hour, but it was down. Disappointing indeed, but its understandable that it will happen. For people that have not been around for launches of other MMOs. WoW has done a amazing...absolutly amazing job with the stability from day 1. Usually when people "witch" about it down, they are just really hooked on the game ...I'm surprised you did post in here Soul Remember when your clicking the "I agree" after logging in, your agreeing to unscheduled downtimes, etc, etc.
  5. Congrats!! Lets see some pics of mini-crowbar
  6. I really enjoyed it. The action was great, and they didnt screw things up with CGI, like they did in Blade 2. The story was better than 2, but weaker than the first blade. The one thing I didnt like in this movie was the main villian. Didn't like his acting really. Other than that... a great popcorn movie, and very funny because of renolds. edit.. Soul mentioned about seeing Foolproof, but one of the funniest movies with Renolds in it was "Buying the Cow" check it out.....very funny
  7. Lets not forget about the speed hacks that are apparently out.. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?FN=wow-general&T=166208&P=5 ://http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/t...l&T=166208&P=5 ://http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/t...l&T=166208&P=5 Fishing can generate cash, but only a limited a mount... If they have their macro running in a newbie zone.. they will make maimum of around 10 silver selling the fish... if they are using the fishing macro in a dangerous place, its likely a bit higher as PC's need certain fish for Herbalism, and cooking, or they can sell them to a NPC. Seems kind of dumb to risk a account ban for a max of gold or two.
  8. We are on Argent Dawn East cost RP server
  9. From blizzard general forums
  10. You guys need to switch servers or something. Illidan is one of 5 servers blizzard said in their forums are overloaded and have huge queues.
  11. 7:30am - hit snooze 7:45am - run down stairs and call in sick, and then read forums 8:00am - Answer phone... Whiplash is calling me. I head over to his house after a brief stop at ronchie ron's for breakfast. 8:30am - Played ESPN 2k5 hockey on xbox, beating him 8-5.. great game. We then played Topspin, and I layed a hisotric smackdown 9:45am - We head to the mall and wait at the doors at EB with the other 20 geeks. 10:10am Drop whiplash off, and do 140km on the way to my buddys house to drop off his copy. 10:35am - Arrive at friends house, we have very little small talk, as we both want to play asap. 10:45am - Get home, run down stairs and install..... 11:15am - Still waiting on install....HOLY CRAP...and then the patch. That was so painful. 11:20am - Create character, and log in. Expecting the worst in the newbie zone, and it was great!!!! Maybe 20 people in the zone, compared to open beta when their was like 50+ and you could not get a kill, and was laggy as hell. This was the best release for a mmorpg I have ever seen. So smooth! 1:15pm - Heat up pizza, and bathroom break. 4:50pm - eat a quick supper and bathroom break. 5:30pm - Meet up with botb members to form the Guild! 8:00pm - Log out. Got half way through level 11, and had a blast. Working today, but I'm off till Tuesday... rinse and repeat
  12. ZD... if your going to buy the game to play with GC members, you may not want to. I think their is about 15 community members playing, maybe 8 to 12 on the same server. With some people playing a lot, and other not, or others playing multiple characters, most people are bound to be different levels and hunting in different areas. So if your going to buy it to play GC, realize that odds are their may be only 1 or 2 you could group with only part of the time. I found the best thing about mmorpgs is joining new guilds, and making new friends.
  13. My main character is on the east RP server. I wont be starting a PvP character untill i need a change.
  14. Post up where your playing, I'll add it to the list and delete your post to keep it clean. Community name / WoW name / Server Linch / Migal Argent Dawn East RP Server chuckleslove / Halldis, Halldritch, Halldrick, Gallenia / Argent Dawn East RP Server Soul / Mordina / Argent Dawn East RP Server Crowbar / Crowgombar / Argent Dawn East RP Server zeho / Alexandros / Illidan central PVP Server All Kill3r / AK / Illidan central PvP & Sergeras central PvP Mk5 / Shoran / Illidan PvP central Server Korodas /Korodas / Illidan central PVP Server eXile / Ithalnos / Whisperwind Central PvE Brillow Head / Brillock, Brillion / Whisperwind Central PvE Spiralstairs / Expatriate / Whisperwind Central PvE maxkilljoy / maxkilljoyvi / Whisperwind Central PvE Nubus / Nazzarith / Whisperwind Central PvE Gunman / Tehbantha / Stormreaver Central PvP Server Rashad / Webb / Stormreaver Central PvP Server NyxErinyes / Keiran / Alleria Server TaPe / Feudal / Kel'Thuzad central Server Draco / dracz / Azgalar central server jessica_alba / Tenesmus / Bleeding Hollow Eastern PVP Zeabos / Zeabos, Rikimaru / Gorefiend PvP East Coast BuzzzN_Frog / Abakiah / Skullcrusher PvP East Kenger / Borne / Destromath PvP server JavaBomberman / Sylen / Earthen Ring RP gnarly(ROCA) / Illbrewr / Darkspire PvP
  15. Look shaw... all your RL friends (yes all 1 of them) are playing WoW... most of your online friends are to (at the very least me...and I'm what really matters). So you gonna play to?
  16. How can you say that?? Apples are way better than oranges. Apples are better for you than oranges. Oranges are messy, apples are easy to cut/eat. The only thing good about Oranges is orange juice (not including that Sunny D crap!). Apples you can have apple pie (ever have orange pie?...think not). Lets not forget applesauce! .... with porkchops!!! No contest. ...and you can't bring in mangos... thats like WoW vs HL2 vs Halo2. Ok, im done talking about fruits... im feeling a little weird
  17. So you know Bigshaw? Sorry to hear that, but welcome regardless
  18. Have you guys ever tried that Healthy Choice pudding? I love that stuff, and take it to work everyday!
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