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Everything posted by linch

  1. I'm borrowing a friends ATI vid card that has a video in. I'm just curious if their is any special software that anyone would recommend for this type of setup.
  2. Have any of you had any experience connecting a video recorded to your PC to edit and make a DVD? I had a friend record my wedding on his hi-8 samsung, and it has a s-video out, and audio out. Is their anything special I need to do as far as software, etc. ?
  3. cause we took a vote... I think you were away that weekend
  4. Thats funny... I scrolled through and didn't see it.... even more funny is X is the one who posted it and had no idea!
  5. I know... I was like...wait a second...shaw was there when I went in 03 ... whatta wanker!
  6. Has anyone seen the video of some who called the cops to put his dog down, and then take a funny turn... I had it in my email, then lost it. Linkage if anyone has or knows where it is.
  7. FF 05 - Legacy of nerds FF 05 - Revenge of the Lanners (that whole star wars tie in) FF 05 - GC Lan Party...with room service!
  8. IMMA IN! My wife has a family wedding in Ontario, so we are going to make a little holiday out of this... we drive up a week in advance, I fly down during the weekend, come back on sunday/monday... then we drive back. Should be a good time.
  9. You mean we can give you warnings in person?
  10. Lets start a paypal donation to send Linch down this year
  11. linch


    Aren't you paying to play as a GC member? What it comes down to is players pay to play because a game like this is not offered anywhere else for free. Same as the GC servers, where else can you play CS in a mature environment.
  12. linch


    Man... I'm in shock they are doing it. Shows they are really worried about WoW. I can't wait to read the backlash when users have played it for a couple weeks..
  13. meh.. I was over at a friends house and played it a bit...was not impressed at all. Seems like they took the same game, and stuck a bunch of point less quests in there to make seem like its got some purpose now. Don't get me wrong, folks who like grinding their exp with mob after same mob will like this, and it will likely appeal to the hard core EQ players. Good read about EQ2 HERE I guess we are kind of getting off track here aren't we
  14. I agree ..much better than I thought it would be
  15. I thought I would share some of the links I use on a daily basis. Talent Calculator http://wowvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Tale...ory_select_id=4 This is a great link to mess around with possible talent paths you may take for your character. Thottbot http://www.thottbot.com/ This site has a bit of everything! Quests, professions, weapons, talent paths, character save profiles. A great site thats been growing strong. A few other sites I have visited ... http://www.planetwarcraft.com/wow/ http://wow.catacombs.com/ http://www.only-wow.com/ http://www.warcraftmovies.com/latest.php
  16. I really don't think that will be the case when it goes live.... but I would be really impressed if they were always around. That would be some great customer support.
  17. linch


    yeah... keep in mind ... Some people just dont like to go to weddings, yet they go anyway. Ignore them and enjoy your night.
  18. linch


    How are you posting
  19. linch


    I'll take a look around for the song when I get home..
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