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Everything posted by ValenAlvern

  1. Schools T1(1st try): http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1349/internetj.jpg My DSL(20th try): http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/5834/internet2.jpg I think, this worthy of being posted EDIT: It has come to my attention, that only people with T1 Service will be able to see it? How do I know. I took the photo at school, they use T1 Service. I have yet to see it, while being at home. EDIT 2: Never mind, took 20! Tries to be able to see it, though I only searched once at school, so service does matter then.
  2. When I first played TF2 I liked TC, I have yet to see that in the Server. A/D and Payload seem to be the dominaite(sp?) game types, while I see CTF or Arena once in awhile.
  3. They had 5 in there when I looked (My mouse is touchy when I don't start the computer without it plugged in)
  4. Do you play with laser guns? That's classified No not with laser guns, microwave amplifiers that make your microwave at home look like a toy Ah, still trying to find the perfect way to microwave hot dogs.
  5. I have nothing checked and everything on all, still doesn't show up. Theres also other ways to find servers besides the server list on TF2, like websites. Let say, someone on CT:S likes the GC server, so they start looking for other GC servers, they see a TF2 Server, and the person owns it, so he invites his friends to play on it.
  6. Student: Collins College Major: BA Visual Arts - Game Art
  7. Maybe the master list goes through some sort of queue that might use server rank, the higher the rank, the more likely it might appear on the list, don't know, just shooting in the dark here. You could always bring it up with Valve.
  8. Was the previous server (last time you had a tf2 server), did it ever display in the master list? Is it also from the same provider? Do you know anyone who has a TF2 Server from the same place and theirs show up on the master list?
  9. Searched, the 4th search was the largest server pile up, 1350 servers found, and I couldn't find it.
  10. Everyone hates Paladins. Also, I wish the red part was yellow, then I could say, "80% the resembles Pac-Man vs 20% that doesn't resemble Pac-Man"
  11. Reminds me of when my sister was trying to get a place to live with her first husband, they rented a house from a landlord (for 2 years) guy was a jerk and the home was in bad condition (the touch up was in poor quality, and the guy was rude over all), moved out and got another home, husband was jerk, so she filled for divorce ( he still loved his ex-wife, not my sister), she now has another home, with 2 kids and a husband in which they moved into 4 years ago, it's a pretty nice home for where they live (No place Minnesota). Personally I would try living together, and no going over to her place every few days doesnt count it, I plan to do that with my girlfriend when we make that leap, 500-800$ in rent isn't to bad (and thats for 2 bed 1 bath apartments, size does matter the price, but the biggest 2 bed 1 bath stop at around 700-800$, also might depend where you live.)
  12. ValenAlvern

    Global Agenda!

    Hmm Ive been looking over this game before its released. I wonder if its worth the monthly fee to play the "full" game. It looks to be a more tactical and teammate needed version of TF2. I must say the "agencies" aspect of the game looks awesome, the conquer or domination mode looks awesome well, 10v10 agency battles for land, sounds awesome. Though the one server world seems.... kinda of lacking. I mean what happens when there are to many agencies, and you just have non-stop battles, and seems to force players to have contract with other agencies, I guess it makes sense in the long run. I'll probably get this though once I get a tower, (And Battlefield:Bad Company 2). Yes, saddly there is no demo of this game. So didn't it just come out today or something, so who has it, or is going to get it?
  13. Start : 350 Servers Found, "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh One: 340 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Two: 450 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Three: 556 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Four: 650 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Five: 537 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed ::skipping refreshes Eight to Twelve as it jumps back and forth between the previous two, with the same results:: Refresh Thirteen: 997 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Fourteen: 1095 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Fifteen: 1467 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" not listed Refresh Sixteen: 250 Servers Found "gcftw.com | Clean Gaming from Gamerscoalition" Not listed ::Repeats:: These were my results, I'm the friend who tested it out.
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