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Everything posted by MaRvIn

  1. It's too bad these are those 1/10 moments. But, thankyou Cat for this video, made my day.
  2. I never said anything about anything sexual, how one decides to use Photoshop is not what I insinuate on. I just think it could be funnier if it wasn't a water bottle. You know maybe a sloth.
  3. I'm just a car ride away and I am coming, hopefully I have appeased the great and all mighty Shaftiel.
  4. I believe it is time for some Photoshop.
  5. I am now considering recording this and making it my ringtone, so don't be freaked out if you hear someone in your closet.
  6. Time Warner Cable $55 USD/month Up to 20Mb/s down Up to 2Mb/s up
  7. Yeah, I have a lot of patience and I just want to be able to game without lag. I am calling them tomorrow, I tried online chat but they switched me to 4 different people then they just stop answering it wasn't very nice. Hopefully on site they do better.
  8. Gonna have someone come out Upstairs 3 tests- 1) 1.87mb 2) 5.43mb 3) 0.87mb Downstairs Wireless 3 tests- 1)5.65mb 2)8.78mb 3)2.45mb Downstairs Wired 3 test- 1)8.48mb 2)6.78mb 3)0.43mb Should get at least 14mb down each time wired
  9. Great idea, time to break out the laptop and do some "inspectigations" <-(inspecting and investigating at the same time)
  10. Okay and then they can run the proper cables to jack in here or install a new jack so that I can hook up internet and tv or can I get a spittler?
  11. We need some silencers on the snipers that would make for a game that no one wants to play, *cough*CoD*cough*
  12. Name tags look awesome. Great job!
  13. Also, power and link go green the ones that don't are online, us and ds
  14. I get cable from it just fine. I run it to a box and then out hdmi to my tv. Everything in the house is all wired. I checked the box in the basement and took off the plate everything seems to be connected from what I can see. So is the best option just to have a tech come out and look at it?
  15. Okay I am going to be clearer about my situation also add some pictures. I am trying to move the router and modem from downstairs into my room so I can have easy access to it when I need and so I can be directly wired into it. The problem I am currently having with this is that when I brought everything into my room and hooked it up there was no internet available. I could connect to the router just fine but there was no connection to the internet. When I put it back downstairs and re-hooked it all up it worked properly and I continued to lag and receive only 2mb down from our 15mb down limit. I was informed that this issue was caused by the router being so far away. Now back to the issue at hand. The wall jacket in my room has a jack that is the color orange and the one downstairs is blue. I was told that color does not matter. If there is a difference between the two or there is something wrong with it, is it easy enough to fix for an amateur to do it? -Hopefully this a better explanation of the situation also here is a pic of router and modem
  16. I have been having with slow connection due to the amount of space between me and the router. I tried to put it in my room but for some reason when I hooked everything up. I was able to connect but there was no connection to the internet. When I put it back where it was everything was fine with it. Is there anything that could be causing the issue? The only difference between the wall jacks in my room and downstairs is the color (Orange and Blue). I was told that makes no difference though.
  17. Now I will have to stare. Shaftiel I will make sure to take a picture if I see any nose picking
  18. Well I have seen some pretty interesting things when people got drunk. I still cant eat pretzels....
  19. Just making sure you are smarter than fatty Glad to hear we aren't using round tables too. The pictures are obviously a lie. Just like the cake....
  20. We are going to be using round tables? That doesn't sound like the most efficient way for it to be setup. Are we going to have drunk people trying to not kick under the table or trip over towers that stick out from under the tables. Looks like a great place but round tables are not the way to go about things. Also what are we going to do about cable management across the floor? Personally I am more comfortable with going with what we know works.
  21. Anyone play Star Trek Online that is interested in helping to create a fleet? You can be any rank. We need at least one more person because we(mav, marvin, killerj, evil) need five to start a fleet and only have four. If you are interested feel free to add me on Star Trek (Ignacio@caboose27) and shoot me a PM or just reply to the post.
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