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Found 15 results

  1. My wireless speed at home: Which is over 5G, basically matches what I get hard wired through PCs.....what are you current gamers getting right now?
  2. I have been using Verizon Fios with the package 50/25 for several years now. SpeedTest.net shows me a steady result, but I know the result is bias since ISP can shape the network to favor SpeedTest.net only. Recently, I have read an article regarding Verizon Fios ranking 8th on the Netflix (http://ispspeedindex.netflix.com/usa). It doesn't make any sense that I paid $100 USD every month for something I can barely stream video. Same thing with youtube, where some video will need to stall to buffer. So, I have been looking at VPN to see if such method can improve streaming and voila it did. I got privateinternetaccess.com and is it a huge improvement Now, Neflix takes me less than 5 sec to buffer the video. BLip.tv load instatly and no more buffering on youtube video
  3. Can you go Modem->Switch or does it have to be Modem->Router->Switch? This just for a home network. The modem would be plugged into the switch. The switch would have all wired electronics plugged into it. The switch would also have a wireless hotspot thinger. Is a router required in there somewhere for this to work?
  4. problem solved, pls close this topic. thanks
  5. Yo, So, about a month ago I got a new router. I set it up and everything was running as it should be. Getting the 1Gbps over wired that I was suppose to. I only set up the QoS to set my port the highest priority, I set up the wireless security and everything is running fine. Today I noticed my connection is only giving me 100 Mbps. Double-checked everything and nothing in the settings has changed. Drivers are up-to-date and I can force the driver to give me the 1 Gbps full duplex but its still not registering it in my network connections. I checked the manufactures faq and no real help there. Any ideas? S.
  6. Just got the usb dongle - still testing billed as no speed cap down / 1.5Mbps up unlimited data usage 1789Kb down 317Kb up 67ms to CHI from where I'm sitting at the moment...win7 $50/mo fwiw, current sprint card $60/mo
  7. What's a good gaming router for under $100? If possible one that I can throttle thru put for certain users. I'm tired of my ping sky-rocketing every time my wife or daughters hop onto FB, YouTube or whatever other place they deem important on the internet.
  8. So it seems i get connection problems from time to time. I made a post about ping dives a while ago, but those seem to have gone away on their own. This is a whole new problem. For a couple of days now, when playing L4D i'm just lagging all over the place. Yet my ping doesn't go up. (i check it with net_graph 1) I'm pretty sure the problem stems from either my router or modem. I've tried playing from another computer linked to the same router and experienced the same problems. Nothing's really changed though in the last few days as to network settings, except for my father using his tablet to play annoying videos from youtube. Any ideas on how to fix the problem? Please keep in mind i'm a total computer noob. Use small words. Edit: this is what my console logs when joining the server: KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file missions/questionableethics.txt mission, (*modes*), (*coop*), (*4*), Connecting to Connecting to public( Sending UDP connect to public IP Server using '<none>' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0 RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address CSteam3Client::InitiateConnection: Connected to Left 4 Dead 2 Map: c6m3_port Players: 22 (0 bots) / 22 humans Build: 5177 Server Number: 9 CAsyncWavDataCache: 1 .wavs total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of capacity Error! Variable "$blendframes" is multiply defined in material "particle/smoke1/smoke1_add_nearcull"! ConVarRef zcs_version doesn't point to an existing ConVar SetConVar: No such cvar ( zcs_version set to 0.9.2), skipping Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 2. Error! Variable "$blendframes" is multiply defined in material "particle/smoke1/smoke1_add_nearcull"! CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrrt for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrrt CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrbk for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrbk CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrlf for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrlf CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrft for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrft CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrup for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrup CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_ldrdn for skybox/sky_l4d_c6m1_hdrdn Redownloading all lightmaps [AdminSentinel] Listening to enemy voice comm enabled [AdminSentinel] Listening to enemy chat enabled Player The Dude.gc <STEAM_1:1:31730948> connected from country Unknown #Cstrike_TitlesTXT_Game_connected Receiving uncompressed update from server FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: bind FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: bind FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: bind FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: bind FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE prevented server running command: bind Also binds and the buy plugin in general are non-responsive. The Dude
  9. I have been having with slow connection due to the amount of space between me and the router. I tried to put it in my room but for some reason when I hooked everything up. I was able to connect but there was no connection to the internet. When I put it back where it was everything was fine with it. Is there anything that could be causing the issue? The only difference between the wall jacks in my room and downstairs is the color (Orange and Blue). I was told that makes no difference though.
  10. Is there any way to boost my connection, starting from here in Europe to the L4D-server in Chicago? I usually run a ping of about 120-130, and was wondering if there was any way to enhance that connection, using LogMeIn Hamachi for example.
  11. Anyone using Usenet and have more connections than they need or can use? The norm is 20 connections and most ISP's are saturated at 10 connections. I would be willing to pay half via paypal or something to share an account. I thought I would ask before dropping cash on a specific provider. I am currently using a free account and only get 2 connections max.
  12. My router is starting to play the "Gonna Drop Your Connection Randomly For 30 Seconds to a Minute" song. I'd prefer to get a new router before the followup hit "Dropping Your Connection All The Time for Minutes At A Time" starts playing. Five minutes skimming the interwebs and I see some of the same routers from 6-7 years ago still being sold new; which is a little puzzling... Help a dude out. What's my next wireless router? N of course. Indifferent to gigabit physical ports (100 is still fine). Like it to be $80-ish or less.
  13. Ok, so we have a network set up at work using a netgear router. Don't know the model, or specs because I didn't set this one up. The real issue isn't with the router, but the way the building has been wired for network traffic. Each work station/desk area has (or soon will have) ethernet ports in the wall. This sounds ideal, but the computers we use for artwork need to have ethernet access to our Epson 4880 printer. At our previous location, the printer was wired directly into the router, but due to the locations of the router and printer in our new building, this is no longer possible. Wireless access isn't an option due to the volume of data that needs to be transmitted from the computer to the printer, neither is USB because the cable cannot keep up with the data and printing speeds slow down too much and can introduce errors into the output. I also thought about just wiring the printer directly to the main artwork computer, but there are also many times that artwork is produced on other computers, so having direct network access is most desirable. It seems to me the best solution is to add a switch to the wall plug nearest the main art computer, and the printer. Question is, how do I accomplish this, and how is network addressing handled? Also, if this can be easily done, can it be done using a standard Linksys WRT54g router? I ask this last question because I currently have 2 spare routers sitting around. Thanks for any help.
  14. I need to pick a new one up.. Does anybody have either of these (or another recommendation)? Both are killer deals atm Lynksys E3000 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833124388 NETGEAR WNDR3700 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16833122326 plus another 20% off with newegg coupon
  15. http://lifehacker.co...r-passwords-now If you use them, go find another host that doesn't cost too much. And change your password.
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