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Everything posted by PuppySurprise

  1. im down for a VIFF *winks at rooster*
  2. I work for Comfort Suites in Richmond, KY and I get discounts for all Choice hotels which are like Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, and like 8 other hotels in that chain. If there is one around lancaster, i can prolly hook you up with a discounted room. My hotel line near Lancaster
  3. that burning lets you know they are legs
  4. that reminds me of the time i came through North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mtns this past December. It was snowing and icing, and we were coming down a 7.5% grade with no clear roads and big rigs behind, in front of and beside me....talk about scared, not to mention to the left of me was a drop of about 6 thousand feet or more. If I didnt pee myself, I dont know why I didnt.
  5. hehe have fun walking to class the rest of the semester *tips hat* g'day
  6. i dont know....birdman's pc is one to compete with
  7. i dont mind you replied, just didnt want this topic to stray off like many topics do, dont worry bout posting in here, but lets just move comments about CP somewhere else. thx
  8. ok, this topic is gonna get pretty "off topic" so move it to the capital punishment thread if this is where its goin, i just wanted to pay tribute to a fallen member of our community. Since I (and you too lance) are going into the government sector I would think your view would be different (not saying wrong or not), but keep it in another thread. Thanks for the comments though, I'm glad you take an interest in being kind toward your fellow man. Rest in peace lieutenant. -pup-
  9. check out some of these case mods. Case Mods We won't be looking for anything this extravagant, but more than likely we will judge on 1: uniqueness/originality 2: cleanliness (includes outside & inside cleanliness and wire management) 3: use of cathodes/colored LEDs/water cooling etc plus whatever else we decide to grade on. I will work on a prize for the winner when i have everything donated in and consult with fatty on what should be included for the winner.
  10. sorry i got to this post late laz....im glad you got everything in....get it built so i can see it at fragfest!!!
  11. Midget Bachelor whaddya think...????
  12. Lieutenant Brenda Cowan of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Division of Fire & Emergency Services Fire Operations, died today. Rest in peace.
  13. One female firefighter (one of the first responders) was shot and killed by the gunman.
  14. holy crap, they just showed a cop pulling up to the residence and the shooter shot the car's window out! 2 EMS workers down; 1 woman shot in the head suspect & Lexington police are in negotiations right now, about 50 police officers surrounding the house
  15. There was a big shootout right off the interstate on the Fayette County, Madison County line (i live in Madison county). 40 armed officers with assault rifles, 3 armored police carriers, fire trucks galore, 2 helicopters on the interstate. The interstate has been shut down. One woman shot in the head, and the cops were in a shootout with the shooter. Awaiting police conference right now. Will let you know what happens. This is pretty exciting.
  16. i have an acoustic guitar but dont know how to play it...i wanna learn...maybe yall can help me
  17. thanks again to you guys who are putting in so much time and effort on this site
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