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Everything posted by PuppySurprise

  1. ive contacted them, but BAWLS now only sponsors BAWLS reseller LANs. So if we used them we would in essence just be buying the BAWLS and reselling them at the LAN. If i know you guys would buy them, I'd order some.
  2. PuppySurprise


    Karaoke Japanese businessmen John Denver
  3. Walked the streets of town at night holding a baby doll and chanting, "who's a good horsey, who's gonna paint the shed...who's a good horsey, who's gonna paint the shed". No one knows what happened to him, save for an old man who lives up in the hills named...
  4. ummmm mammoths? dinosaurs? LOL don't think Moses took care of that one ya thats why i said moses didnt take care of that one
  5. ummmm mammoths? dinosaurs? LOL don't think Moses took care of that one
  6. Bill & Teds...worst......movie........ever! but here is something cool to see: The One
  7. He mixed a bottle of rogaine one night with a bottle of Beam and came out looking the way he did. "Where can we find Lucas? If we find him maybe we can find her." The pastor told us Lucas lived in a.....
  8. "The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every place."
  9. i can't breakdance but I can make a fool out of myself and tango and swing dance like a mo'fo'
  10. i dont have one, but want one. I am gonna get a type of cross and inside the cross will say: Lex Rex, Crux Lux it fits in the cross and it is latin for: The Law is the King, The Cross is the Light If I find a pic, ill post
  11. whatever, me and knock are hittin' up tha bar scene!! put yo' dancin shoes on!
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