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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. 145 7 "Buster" STEAM_1:1:93408 18:30 66 0 active 128000 Mic spamming and talking about thanks all be to god, even though he was being very rude and insulting to other players while doing these things. Would not listen when asked nicely and then demanded to stop and it was the last warning(from that point he tried to only say things while i was not on his team or was still alive...he failed).
  2. I'm going to have to check it out, I liked the original when it first came out. I would definitely hop in to play if there was a server.
  3. Anybody have a config they are using for CSGO? I can't top 35fps while playing and most time i sit at 10-15fps...makes it extremely difficult to play!
  4. For some reason i can only remember the BwC clan server from 1.5, but that may be because i was at Purdue with those guys at the time. p.s. I am alive! (my computer just cries every time i play CSGO) p.p.s. i divorced MrsMonkey, so i hope she never shows up on the server again! (fingers crossed)
  5. Took the plunge and paid the memberership fee, I have played on GC CS servers since CS 1.6 and i just now officially become a member!

    1. TheDude



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