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Everything posted by Madvillain

  1. I know what I while be buying my wife for anniversaries and Valentine's Day.
  2. Love me some Action Bronson, good call Stutters. Bloody Beetroots [utube]yhIPGuGUPl4[/utube]
  3. Preacher made me think of this with his song, had to go listen to it. [utube]f4zV4pJ8MwM[/utube]
  4. 980s are too much for my budget, I will be sticking with the 970 and honestly from many reviews/benchmarks the price increase to the 980 is not equal the the difference in processing power.
  5. After doing a lot of research recently in to my upcoming video card purchase I would recommend a MSI card. EVGA is generally my go to and MSI burned me some years ago on a Motherboard but they seem to have one of the coolest, quietest and fastest/most overclockable cards out there right now.
  6. In the $150 range I would vote for this EVGA GTX 750 TI since it's running off of the new Maxwell chip. The Maxwell chip is using less power and running less hot than the current AMD cards. There are other cards in that series that are a little less but this has the dual fan to help keep it cool and the FTW cards are factory overclocked as well. However I would say the extra money to bump up to the GTX 960 is probably a good idea like Johnny said.
  7. It's Pump, he probably got swamp water in it...
  8. Should have known it would be Little Caesars pimping out this bacon pizza.
  9. Sending positive thoughts out to you and your family Turnbull
  10. 8583 edit - oops... it was early in the morning and sometimes my dyslexia gets the best of me
  11. It looks like someone is a Duke fan.
  12. Haha, thanks Dixie! Sorry I hijacked your birthday thread. Since Lookback didn't get us anything for our birthdays he has to give us his new car. I get the car on even days, you can have it on odd days and Lookback can have a for a few hours every month to wash it for us.
  13. THREAD HIJACKED!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MADVILLAIN!!! Oh thanks Villain, so nice of you to say.
  14. Happy Birthday Dixie!!
  15. It looks like you have been banned by Sassy for being disrespectful, our servers are a place to have fun and be respectful of each other. I am sure Sassy will be along soon to give you/us her side of the story, hold tight until then. Your ban information can be found here.
  16. Gotcha, I didn't see a way to do that but I thought I would make sure. Your plan sounds good and all but my map doesn't work and I'm still too noobish to know my way around. I've been playing on Aftermath, perhaps I will stumble in to some other GC folk soon.
  17. Pshhh... 2014 is so last year.... Congrats still! Please drive me to FFO.
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