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Everything posted by dessa

  1. Can anyone shoot me a working link to see the l4d2 current server activity? That's about the only thing I need lol. It's a bit annoying having to load the game up, wait for the server list to refresh just to see the info. Nvm figured it out thanks to tainted's help XD http://www.gametracker.com/search/left4dead2/?query=gcftw
  2. I think I gotta agree the .co throws me off. I miss the gcftw cause it was just so for the win. -sadface-
  3. LOL no it was just done very early this morning. You're not dreaming it and change is really happening.
  4. dessa


    Again thank you for all the apologies, even from those who really don't need to apologize; not what I was after. Yes there absolutely needs to be someone else to look after the L4D2 issues, especially for member against member or member against admin problems. Way too many issues go unnoticed on the L4D2 side of things and I have no issue saying so. This is my final post on this after I've posted this I'm done with this topic. Saying gangbang to a woman even as a joke is a talk of rape. And not just rape by one person but by multiple. Never is there a situation where it's alright to say something like that. This comment came from someone who I have no relationship with what-so-ever and whom I've never spoken to and has never spoken to me either. What ever you guys feel/think/need you need to do those are your choices to make and live with. He's had weeks to apologize to me but it hasn't happened. This entire situation has given me a headache and has honestly just left a bad taste in my mouth. And now I'm done with this subject.
  5. dessa


    Thank you Jerky and cras both for your replies. I did pm you crasx more than once and was told you were busy. Sent messages to san and jackie as well. ALL of those messages were sent either the day or or within the following 48 hours. So please tell me how messaging people helps exactly? I did as I was supposed to and filed a report it was ignored. I send messages and they were either ignored or I was told "I'm too busy". The only reason its 'too late for a ban' is because of the complete ignoring of me ASKING each of you for help. If you take offense to this post then sorry but everything stated is the truth and saying otherwise is a downright lie.
  6. dessa


    I just wanted to put that I in no way put this out there to get any of the admin involved in any type of trouble in any way. I <3 you guys and many of you have become friends of mine and have been there for me in game for many other things.
  7. On mumble, by myself. Now time to find a game to play.

  8. So.......... anyone else up at this ungodly hour besides me? XD

    1. dessa


      Aaaaand I'm bored. :(

  9. dessa


    So I filed a report back on the 18th, as far as I know it was never looked at. Sent multiple messages to different board members as well as spoke to multiple admin (thank you to those who at least replied in someway to those). I was in a game with quite a few members and four present admin including Maestro, Merc, Zero and I believe the other was peanut, I could be wrong if I am sorry. We and just gone through the beginning scramble and were playing Dark Carni and the couple of other female gamers in the game were swapped to the other team. I jokingly said I'm on a team with all dudes, give me beth or shepard or zero. Another member [nor]TheBeast suggests a gangbang. He was kicked from the game, immediately reconnects less than ten seconds later and is calmly told don't say that again. No apology in any way was offered. I left the game because obviously I'm not going to play in a game, on the same team no less with someone who just suggested a gangbang be performed on me. This is someone whom I've never said more than two words to in game. My friends, that I talk to regularly, wouldn't even say something like this to me. ALL of you guys out there if you're out with your friend who's a girl and someone says something like that to her you're either going to deck the dude or curse him out so why is it alright for this to happen in game? It's hard enough to be a female gamer but to have someone disrespect me like this is not okay. I've seen multiple times where permenant bans have been put in on someone who ISN'T a member for saying something no way as harsh as this. Doesn't it state that as members we're supposed to have higher standards? So because he pays $15 a year it's alright? I've never been insulted in real life even to this level but to come to a game that I play in free time to relax to have this happen, I was floored. I didn't know whether to curse him out or cry. But it hurts even more that I've had to wait two weeks while my PRIVATE report sat there unseen to. I didn't want to post this publicly but two weeks waiting was long enough for me, sorry. So now it's out there, do what you want with it I've said my piece.
  10. So I'm working on setting up mumble here on my computer. How many people actually use it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dessa


      Awesome. Just didn't want to connect and be like uhhh where is everyone? lol

    3. JackieChan


      Not sure that a lot of L4Ders use it though.

    4. dessa


      Yeah I noticed that. I was all by my lonesome.

  11. I........ wait......... Did you really just use my bind list to set it up for slapping myself and others? I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this. Thanks for giving me the 1 slot I guess?
  12. So I was thinking about buying the square enix humble bundle. Anyone have any of the games in it and any opinions on them?

  13. oh man, i already get harrased enough by turbo on the servers, man just wont stop sniping me mid pounce! was thinking the same, perfect for when i have to play whithout light and i not sure what im writting. These are the binds I have. You can use them if you like just copy each thing minus the stuff in the *'s they're just there to explain what key is what and what the items selected from the menu are: *1 key* bind kp_end "say_team !buy" *2 key* bind kp_downarrow "say_team !getup" *3 key* bind kp_pgdn "say_team !ammo" *4 key* bind kp_leftarrow "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" *AK* *5 key* bind kp_5 "sm_buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 3; menuselect 1" *pills* *6 key* bind kp_rightarrow "sm_laser" *7 key* bind kp_home "say_team !points" *8 key* bind kp_uparrow "say_team !sp" *9 key* bind kp_pgup "sm_buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 7; menuselect 1" *fireworks* *0 key* bind kp_ins "say_team !heal"
  14. I use my number keypad on my keyboard, it's like 3 inches away from my mouse so it makes it easy. Currently 7-0 are all bound with something. Some new ones that I don't even know what the heck they are. :\
  15. I think I honestly prefer people who don't ask for points over people who hoard points. If most of your team is down and you're sitting there with 30+ points and aren't sending them out I'm secretly hoping you're going to get killed.......... just sayin'.
  16. Yes he died many times, quite a few by me; You're welcome. XD
  17. I was in this game last night. Several people were down in back. Myself along with a few others said need to come back to help, everyone else did but you. Then you got jockeyed and taken even further front. So were you rushing? Maybe not. But you weren't going back to cover your team so what happened, happened. Just try to stick with your team as best as you can is all. If everyone else is going back to help people a good idea to move with them or make sure you're not alone in an area.
  18. It's nice to see everyone's variations on their biggest likes and dislikes in gaming. And it seems basically everyone is in agreement when it comes to CS:GO lol We love to hate that little red headed step-child. XD
  19. I agree with a CS:GO practice server. I've never been able to get into it cause every game I've gone in is nothing but people who've been playing the game for pretty much forever and a day. It's no fun trying to learn to play with no one else who's new.
  20. You should probably talk to someone about these feelings you're having. XD I agree on CS. For me CS:GO is so terrible it's awesome... I think. I'm complete crap at it but when I'm drunk I think I'm amaze-balls. Yep
  21. Says you were banned for one hour for spamming bot vocals but it's already expired so you should be able to play again.
  22. So I wanted to start a topic so everyone could put their two cents in as to which games were the biggest surprises for them as well as the biggest regrets of even buying them. Right now I can only think of my two biggest regrets which would be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and more recently Batman Arkham Origins. I was at least able to force myself to finish CoD: MW3 but as far as Batman goes, I stopped playing that before even a quarter of the way through. It was just that bad for me. The best I've been surprised by has to be Bastion, no matter how many times I've played that game it's just as good as the first time I played it. It probably helps that the soundtrack is just so darn amazing! So what's your biggest top's and low's?
  23. Sitting here sipping coffee and every time it hits the back of my throat I'm like sweet baby Jesus that hurts and feels good at the same time. Being sick sucks. :(

    1. MaRvIn


      I always drink green tea with honey and it helps my throat a ton when I am sick

  24. I'll be back to playing then so count me in. ^__^ I love member games lots less yelling and more joking around. XD
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