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Everything posted by turnbullTeRRoR

  1. There are a lot of things. Brush over laps hurt/ large open spaces hurt. Customizing view portals (Kinda tricky you could hurt more than help) Lower rez textures. Less entities and so forth, but its mostly the brush work combined with many entities viewable at 1 time because of how open the map was. I think I have a plan for the remake its just gonna take some time. The css version was alot more simple but it also lagged some for weaker machines with the large displacement brushes and open space. I think this new map I'm working on will be fun I'm just thinking a few spots/ routes are a little lacking. I address that and tidy up some make a custom nav file and maybe get a working radar and its all good.
  2. Canyon was heh my hardest worked project and ultimately my biggist waste of time. I looks great but huh lag issues from trying to do somethings that I'm not up to par on yet. To much open viewable space. To much map to render @ one time. It just needs to be completely reworked. I wanna keep the same concept but some things have to change. Maybe we can get San' to move the version we had on the server for testing to the death match server?
  3. Hoping to have new map ready by this Saturday. See Saturday Night Customs forums for more info and updates!

    1. walkingCat



    2. san`


      Who's going to upload it for you? o.O

    3. turnbullTeRRoR


      after typing out 4 different responses a response about almost responding is all I came up with.....


  4. Yes we played last night and T's took the CTS to the shed out back and gave'm a good ole thrashing. I know I need to slow the T progress on a straight B rush a little cuz they were getting there real quick. I can do that. Anything else stick out to anyone that could be approved upon (other than a working radar and more details) Any opinions that would fall in the category of "other" Anyone have any frame rate issues or trouble spots? I think I will make some small modifications to the map and see if we can replace B2 with B3(work in progress) and test it out next saturday. http://csgo.gamebanana.com/maps/173583 direct download from forums below seventowers.zip
  5. I'm down any Saturday evening before customs begin if we can get the players. 6-7 Eastern start time needed. Would love for a better GC turn out. @ 6:45 we had like 5-6 GC members in CMM/ As you can see from the screenshot we had some non-GC members but server regulars playing which I don't mind at all but would love for an all GC 10 man. Also you will need a little patience with a 10 man its hard to coordinate sometimes . A few people got impatient left and we started literally 3 minutes after they left playing 4v4 with a bot a piece. Reomet joined fairly late.
  6. After a few in and outs line up sorting server bans for FF TKs we got this thing going for knock down drag out Lucky Walking Smack Talking Cat Fight and who came out on top? TIE!
  7. I want trip mines they are awesome don't know the plug in or mod but had fun on a server I know of that has them.
  8. Hoping for some more interest here. I hope we got season on the private server cuz dagnabbit if I get a captain spot I'm going for season Also would be open to 6 on 6 or greater given a big turnout? or sticking with 5 v 5?
  9. I've tried not coaxing to see how she really felt. Don't know how successful I was at that I find it hard not to follow my heart. Heart keeps beating my brain down. Like I said she started to waiver herself with out any hardcore coaxing at least. I will have a time of this no matter what the outcome just because I could never be sure how she really feels. Will take time to heal either way I just want the best way.
  10. we can do it that way I suppose. How are starting sides chosen then?
  11. if Picture is so complex I don't have vocabulary Bad enough to express it in words. Fixed it for you
  12. so you're saying that you pretend your pretend picture is something else? is this open to everyone I want to imagine its a kitten going raawr K?
  13. This Saturday April 6th. Providing enough of a turn out we will run a 10 man on the GC private server. Here is the proposed schedule and format. 6:45- 7:00pm eastern we meet in the GC- Death Match server for a quick map to decide team captains. Top 2 scorers. We move to GC private server and vote on a map Top scorer picks first player or starting side. We then play a standard scrim set up 16 to win 15 to tie. Everyone should use GC's ventrilo so dead talk can be used ( 2 different lobbies in vent) That is option 1. Option 2 is meet in the Private server and knife( to decide captains) untill 2 standing with winner of last 2 standing picking either side or player first after map vote. Lets do this. also open to as long as there are no objections to non member regulars playing if not enough GC present.
  14. I would target saturday a hour and a half before customs begin as an ideal time to do this. HOLLA IF YOU'RE DOWN FOR IT and i would add that if we have to many peeps the extras could take on A death match server challenge
  15. Would Saturday Evening @ 7:30/ 8:00 eastern be good for enough people? Do we even have a Lo3 plugin on the server?
  16. Thx for the previous prayers, but don't let up yet She's kind of turning around but I'm wary of the fact if its because she's had a change of heart or she realizes she has no money even after a down the middle possession split. ( I offered to pay off all medical bills which pretty much trumped her tax return and our savings giving her nothing cash wise but a vehicle furniture and big screen tv and some misc items not worth mentioning. I just want to make the right choice here. As a christian I know divorce is bad so I'm probably gonna avoid it... i just don't want to pay the price later on. I'm a little confused. We've not actually made up but we're somewhere in the middle. I've been hurt and a part of me thinks the split would be better in some aspects yet not it all (kids) and I want to do whats best as far as the kids are concerned but I'm not even sure if together is better. I know together is better IF she gets herself on track... that's the problem though the IF. So maybe the request should be more for my wife or just stick with us both. Either way appreciate your time and concerns. See you on the servers and God bless
  17. I'm greedy! I want to pub and scrim! I always hit the pub for at least a little while everynight. Even if its just 15 mins before accepting invites. I usually change the pub to Dust2 upon entering when its dead or low to get things going. When we get going good I'll throw a map vote for 3 or 4 popular maps/ set the voted map up and then leave for scrims upon invites.
  18. Whats up with my name? rest of the letters taking a cat nap?
  19. Assuming peeps don't know how 10 man works- we get 10 members in (maybe some regular non members to fill if needed) we all knife untill last 2 are standing then they pick teams and play. Also everyone needs to use the GC ventrilo server so you can "dead talk" Would love to do this. I do it with some other friends but I only know 2 or 3 players everytime. Would be fun to run some. or we could actually form teams don't know if we have the time and coordination for that but its an idea.
  20. every night we have 2 - 3 groups of GC or nonmember regulars in Competitive Match Making. Myself, San, Smokey, Lunk, Mohawk, rennD LwalkCat, Skyline, gl, SirTony, dt greg, the smeg, Devious, Doom , UCundercover, Woden and more. We're all in match making all the time it seems. I go into the pub and get like 4 invites after 2-3 minutes lol its hard to resist.
  21. I like alexandra slums is little laggy and the B site is way to easy for T's its a T sided map. yes they were Slums is the map where CT's start by site a with a little door everyone gets jammed up in trying to get out. T's are assailing almost immediatly from the left while the others go B site and pretty much run the map
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