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Kuma last won the day on October 17 2014

Kuma had the most liked content!

About Kuma

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    I really can't tell

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  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/killing-floor Title says it all
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/games/218620/announcements/detail/1327847269948862882 ; PAYDAY 2: We're giving away 5 million copies of PAYDAY 2 for a limited time only!
  3. Kentucky boy, Cassius Clay, you are the greatest!!

  4. How I feel watching Garychios by joining to the losing team
  5. First Lemmy, then David, now Alan Rickman? I just couldn't believe it ...RIP

  6. First Lemmy, now David Bowie? The hell.... :\

    1. MPG1770


      His final video - probably the most chilling swansong


  7. Lemmy, you will be missed!

  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3y7le9/im_logged_in_as_someone_random_on_steam/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3y7r0b/do_not_login_to_any_steam_websites/ It goes without saying, but avoid logging into any Steam websites until the security issue has been remedied. If you know you're already logged in, do NOT visit any Steam Community or Steam Store URL. This includes any internet browsers and the Steam Desktop/Mobile Client!Playing games online should be fine. It'll also prevent anybody else from logging into your account via desktop client. Explanation according to Steam DB: Valve is having caching issues, allowing users to view things such as account information of other users. This is also why the Steam website has been displaying in different languages.
  9. Stay away from Payday 2 at the moment, even buying DLC's on sale, because whole game became microtransaction related with skins they boost/enhance your weapons

  10. Question about upcoming an ESL ONE event: Is it possible to watch 2 matches (in case if there will be at the same time) with 1 twitch account? Thanks

    1. onyxdragoon


      Just have multiple tabs/windows open or use multitwitch

    2. Kuma


      May I ask if you need to either rejoin/refresh twitch or gotv when certain match is over? Thanks

    3. san`


      What onyx said, and I don't think you need to refresh, just make sure your twitch is linked to your steam profile.

  11. Do you maybe play with "power save settings / power options"? I know some people who had enabled power saving, that their game either crash sometimes or had problem with laptop performance.
  12. L4D and L4D2 are on sale. Just a heads up

  13. Another similar issue : https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/39lts6/do_not_buy_the_witcher_trilogy_pack/ ; https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/39lmr0/wolfenstein_new_order_got_its_price_changed_from/
  14. If I'm not mistaken, this means gcftw competition right? What's your score and how many PC mouses have you break?
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