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Everything posted by ctrlfrk

  1. Kill 6 chargers while they are charging? Might also be killing 6 boomers while they're rocketing in. Or maybe kill 6 special infected while they're biled! Collect 6 presents while they're in spit?!
  2. For consistency, I decided it didn't hurt to add them.
  3. Okay I decided to clean up my autoexec file and put all the menu selections into aliases. What this means is you can bind things using simple names like: bind KP_END gc_fireworks_crate or bind mouse5 +gc_rocketspawn I'll spoiler tag the code dump so it doesn't take heaps of space. autoexec.cfg
  4. You could make upping jockies 1 point each and there would still be no reason to. I didn't realise 'perks' were so heavily frowned upon :S It was merely a suggestion to make upping the neglected SI more attractive.
  5. Yeah I said total it up at the end like boomers. It's really just a cosmetic change, and also a way to get consistency between spits.
  6. At the moment no-one ever ups the limit on boomer/hunter/smoker/jockey because you seldom need more than the default number. I was wondering if we could encourage people to up the limit by providing a buff that only activates once you get to 5/5. A few examples (that I've seen on other servers) Boomer @ 5/5: Enables 'Boomer slap' -> Melee hits from the boomer knock survivors up and back a bit. Jockey @ 5/5: Enables 'Jockey jump' -> You gain the ability to hop over small obstacles when you're jockeying a survivor Smoker @ 5/5: Enables 'Smoker shuffle' -> After smoking a survivor you can very slowly back away out of harms way without losing the smoke Hunter @ 5/5: Enables 'Bleed effect' -> After a survivor has been pounced they suffer 1 damage per second for 5 seconds after they get back up. (This extra damage is meant to be negligible, because the real reason for it is that you cannot bandage them for 5 seconds due to damage interrupting it) I'm not sure if this would end up being buff, because we're talking 20~30 points to 'activate' the ability, which would mean less tanks/witches overall.
  7. That wouldn't change, you'd still get the same number of points overall, they would just come in smaller increments instead of jumps.
  8. The fractional points for survivor assists seem to be working fairly well, could we change the spitter mechanic to give say 0.25 points per 'ding' (or whatever value ends up giving roughly the same number of points as the current implementation) It's not a balance change, but it would make spitting feel more... satisfying. I guess you could then sum it up like the boomer, so at the end you get a chat message saying "You spat for 25 dings! (6.25 points)"
  9. Another possibility would be to adjust the respawn timer on the infected. Knock it down to 15s for the team that's losing. This has the benefit of feeling like a buff rather than a nerf, and it also makes things a little more exciting for the winning team rather than more frustrating.
  10. Now that the assist points have been in for a while: Do you have stats on how many extra points the S team earns over the course of a round due to the extras?
  11. ctrlfrk


    If raising the spec cap to 10 or something won't affect stability then maybe it's worth considering. It would allow for situations like the OP's where you might want to let the round run to completion before jumping in. Personally I'd probably use it to spec while eating dinner after getting home. I realise raising the cap won't remove the issue, it will still probably fill up, but you could still autokick non members, and maybe put a time limit on the last 2 slots so they autokick after 30 seconds of not typing !jointeam
  12. ctrlfrk


    How badly would extra spectator slots affect server stability?
  13. Do these work for other people? I always have to put `wait 120; slot10` after my binds to make the window close. Another one I found useful was: alias +rocketspawn "+reload;+attack" alias -rocketspawn "-attack;-reload" bind mouse5 +rocketspawn And for sneaky points/ready I use bind enter "sm_points;sm_r"
  14. Biggs.gc : !rename @all &$%@ [sM] Biggs.gc: Renamed all players. * Biggs.gc changed name to ci.BgBgs * DownTownYortz changed name to orDtTDtztrznn * Mrandoman changed name to anraaoaMd * Nottingham changed name to oaghamnghm * the5th changed name to t5tth5 * � changed name to 6oo66o�Gt t * Rescuer changed name to sercccc * Grimace [shut up! FOOL!] changed name to !c!!Fp][hrur!u rcSauht!G * IS - Infinite Stratos changed name to o tnfnotIIrrteS-fno * TheRadicalGuarantee.gc changed name to anlgtatcRieeeagtRtacua * Re:crasX.gc <3 changed name to <g:gg<e.< saRX * IamLegend changed name to gmmmngLmI * BANANA changed name to NNNNAN * rxdc changed name to rccc * The Von Matrices changed name to V oeV Vnioinnr * pope kingsley changed name to eyoeoyeinlsei * Brock-Samson changed name to onoorBoBkom- * CurbShifter changed name to iCuShrfrSeu * ctrlfrk changed name to crtrltr` * Sess1on changed name to sss1sSs * human after all changed name to au amlflna famm He tried to fix it afterwards too <g:gg<e.< saRX : o.0 <g:gg<e.< saRX : !rename @all [sM] <g:gg<e.< saRX: Renamed all players. * ci.BgBgs changed name to BiBsBggc * orDtTDtztrznn changed name to tzzzorznzDztz * anraaoaMd changed name to adaMaoara * oaghamnghm changed name to nghmgagaga * t5tth5 changed name to tthhtt * 6oo66o�Gt t changed name to * !c!!Fp][hrur!u rcSauht!G changed name to cacru]pct]u[!!]u uurShuS * o tnfnotIIrrteS-fno changed name to - -rfIfnt rIor--S-rIo * anlgtatcRieeeagtRtacua changed name to agiaicalneaaecRatatual * <g:gg<e.< saRX changed name to R.sRes<<g<:<gR * gmmmngLmI changed name to nLLLgmmmm * NNNNAN changed name to ANNNNN * rccc changed name to rccr * V oeV Vnioinnr changed name to i nenVV nnoore * eyoeoyeinlsei changed name to neoieosnelonn * onoorBoBkom- changed name to oBokrBornk-- * iCuShrfrSeu changed name to uhSSSfSuCCh * crtrltr changed name to llrrcrr * sss1sSs changed name to 11sss1s * au amlflna famm changed name to mmnnmamfm ll ml
  15. No, he's not a friend of mine, he doesn't need to be. And the reason you'd give him the opportunity to come back is because it's the nice thing to do.
  16. I know you have no problem with perm banning people. Do you think a 15 minute ban wouldn't have gotten the message across? The kid isn't going to come on here looking for unbanning, he probably doesn't even know this place exists.
  17. Actually I was on your team, and I heard it. A warning or a 15 minute ban would have sufficed. And there is a difference between being bad and running around in silly places, and hiding in a toilet. And what do you mean by my standards? I don't care if people get kicked or not. He wasn't on my team so I was benefiting from his griefing.
  18. The guy was pretty obviously griefing. He locked himself in a portaloo and was jumping up and down in it while the rest of the team was way across the map. Lookback didn't see it, and hoojee initiated a votekick. Is that a kickable offense? Starting a votekick against a griefer when an admin is on? You might also want to look at the lifetime ban lookback handed out to someone shortly after the incident. It seemed like that was done in anger and probably far more harsh than needed.
  19. I did some testing, a CI with 50k hp still dies pretty easy. And the next tier of damage (2 -> 5) is too high. I agree upgrading all CI would move the focus too far away from the players, but I still feel the 10 point horde needs some help. If it's possible to make it a horde of armoured dudes then that might be worth looking into.
  20. A horde of those armoured dudes might be interesting.
  21. I think z_head_damage_causes_wounds is the other cvar that realism CI get. I'm... not sure what it does. I suspect it's the one that causes limbs to drop off from non sniper weapons but it doesn't sound like it from the name.
  22. Yeah raising the difficulty raises damage by far too much (1 -> 2 -> 5 -> 20) Is it possible to enable just the part of realism where infected losing their limbs doesn't kill them? I just want some way to make the common infected actually an issue in the game, at the moment they may as well not be there.
  23. I mean like an option you buy called 'Upgrade Common Infected', costs 50 pts or something, that increases their HP and damage for the rest of the round.
  24. It seems the regular infected are set to 'easy' at the moment, and they don't really do much except get in the way. I'm still fairly new to the server but as far as I can tell there is never any time that spending points on a horde is worthwhile. What would you guys think of having the option to 'buy' upgrades to the regular infected?
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