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Everything posted by looneypumpkin

  1. Choices for 2/17 customs will be between Dam It! (we haven't played it in a LONG time) or a normal map with VIP and/or pathing. Something like Dead Center, Carnival or Parish would be ideal. If you need help installing them go here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=292423615 and subscribe (so they'll install automatically.) Also make sure they're enabled in your Add Ons.
  2. Maybe a minus achievement. -5 points "You're just too good at this." lol
  3. After testing jockey madness for a couple of hours, a few people including myself feel 12.5 is too much for jockey pounce. Some people are extremely good at it. I'm thinking 5 points is more reasonable. Everything else looks good. Can an achievement be added?
  4. Bizarre, I have an easier time rocket jockeying than hunting.
  5. Still need rocket jockey achievement. If only for the person who is ridden to be ashamed.
  6. Bride witch. Always deadly Infected pills, incaps you instead Messed up defib, kills the person using it, revives the deceased B&W Explosive ammo triggers FRIENDLY FIRE for survivors, doing normal damage (upgrade to combat it being OP)
  7. Technically it ended on the 23rd, meng is just being slow. I'd slip an entry in just in case, maybe he'll count it Also come back to the server and play more please.
  8. Whether it be your own body flying through the air from a jockey that suddenly turns into a tank, or maybe you caught something on camera like this. Gives me the chuckles no matter how many times I see it. *Note that Red Devil shot the boomer https://www.twitch.tv/videos/166576962
  9. I got one last night. People shouldn't cluster up anywhere along this part of the map. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/212003410
  10. LOL Carlos,... that was actually pretty smart to do that to avoid being insta-killed. Some might consider it griefing but I see the strategy.
  11. lol I like how you respawn on corpse and it puts you back on the roof
  12. lol wow I didn't know you could jump in like that there. Nice.
  13. Yes, I saw it a few times last night where if multiple infected were on someone (ie, smoked but a charger was punching) it would not unpin.
  14. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/166822509 Death charged Reasons at the start of the Parish https://www.twitch.tv/videos/163128694 Smacked Gandalf and Got Your 6 before death charging Got Your 6 I need to start recording again. Also how do you embed the video in your post? I have never figured that out.
  15. Yeah... get ready for lots of fascinating poop. It's gross but coming out of something that came out of you, you get over the gross factor pretty quick. Some of it does break some laws of physics though.
  16. They grow so freaking much towards the end. So size 1 should work unless you go very early (hope not though!) Amazon Moms doesn't cost anything and would beat Sam's or Costco and be name brand. I don't even think you have to be a Prime member but could be wrong. I think we paid about $30/mo in diapers through it... currently with pullups I'm paying about $45? They cost more and boxes have less quantities as they get bigger. Oh, pro tip. When you start having diaper blow outs you need to go up a size. Some poops will require a complete bath, lol.
  17. Awww! TOBY!! I want to suggest that you join Amazon Moms. You get free shipping and 20% off diapers so that helped us a lot. Avoid cloth diapers at all costs unless you want to be hand washing poop out of them and adding to your laundry pile. I tried this and it lasted about a week, just didn't work for us. Also I recommend Pampers swaddlers. They have a baby dry brand that caused chemical burns on my son and from reviews/complaints online was pretty common. The hospital used swaddlers so that's what we kept using and now we're using their brand of Pull Ups. Oh they also let you collect points for rewards. After a year of collecting I got Sebastian a tricycle. I'm collecting them now for something huge, but might not have enough til the next kid. Huggies has that rewards program too but I found their diapers ran small, and with a BOY they are constantly peeing in all directions and leak through everything. Had the best luck with Pampers. Off brands were pretty damn crappy and weren't worth saving $5 to deal with the mess of it. Did they give you an approximate weight for him at your last U/S? Usually first time babies don't come early, but I went into labor around 38 weeks due to my blood pressure. I'll see if I can send a pack to you!
  18. I'm not aware of anyone else having connection issues. If verifying the game cache doesn't work, you might need a complete reinstall. I had a similar issue about a year ago and it was the only thing that helped.
  19. Ok. Probably a short one like Sacrifice or Passing would work until everyone can join.
  20. What time were you thinking? I can't join until my kid goes to bed in an hour. (7 central)
  21. Apparently, I also need to learn to count next year. (I actually copied and pasted but it changed all the numbered items to 1)
  22. Not eligible but I'll post anyway because it's fun. When and how did you find out about GC? And which game did/do you play on? How long have you been gaming on GC overall? I think I randomly found it while scrolling through the server list. Looking for a buy server that was at least 10v10 and was American. (L4D2) I think I've been here off and on since 2012. Share about your very first day on GC or just your first month or so, how did it go? Whether good or bad, let’s hear it from you. It was always fun coming into a server that was full of people and point based but also balanced. Initially the no cursing rule phased me a bit, though I didn't complain and I actually appreciate it now. I'm not sure how good or bad it was. I think I've always just been an average player and I'm ok with that. Tell me about friends you have made while playing our servers and what roles did they have into making you have fun gaming in general. I got bunches of friends on GC and I do value them as much as real life friends. In fact I probably talk to some of you guys more than my own local friends or family. Just because we have fun together and that's what's important. Love you guys! What keeps you coming back to play GC? The good people we have here! Gameplay in L4D2 never gets old for me. I still discover new stuff about maps every now and again, and hear the bots say something random I've never heard before. 2500hrs this month! How has GC affected you as a person, whether big or small, share about it. I've made some good friends, we've had good talks. I hope GC is around for a very very very very very very long time. What are some fond memories that you can recall on while playing games on GC servers? Any funny ones? Any sad ones? Destroying Johnny with a car that my tank threw from across the map. Destroying an entire team with a tank on Cold Stream as they got stuck in the tunnel and I proceeded to shove a log up in there. I got lots of videos of great death charges and jockey deaths. Rocket jockies and smokers that actually end up doing good is pretty hilarious too. What song reminds you of GC? Ummm I don't know. I actually have "One Bad Man" as my ring tone and has been that way since 2010 or something. So when I think of L4D I think of GC. What is a goal you want to accomplish next year? And for those who play L4D2, what is something you want to work on getting better at in the game? I'd really love to get better at hunter, but it seems like I'm just not skilled enough for it. I always land at a players feet, then freak out and baby pounce them. I probably land a 25pt pounce 1 out of 10 times whether you're incapped or not. I got no shame in this. I'll keep trying. I also would like to get my headshot ratio up a bit more and stop "spraying and praying" so much. Oh, I also want to run my own contest again soonish. Personal goals, we already had a big year moving out of state, selling a home, buying a home and enrolling my son into various therapies. Next year I want to grow my business more and have another child.
  23. meng did last time so I'd assume he would again. If not, I can.
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