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Everything posted by Leonebluen

  1. I voted yes.... Infected, beating up on yoshi is fun for everyone, and this will make it more strategically important (unlike before where no one worried about such a lame survivor).
  2. I'm not sure that warrants a permanent ban, unless he hit multiple people into the void. Sure I was frustrated, but a perma-ban seems extreme. Then again, I'm not an admin, so it's up to y'all
  3. Tsunami is going to hit you for calling her a guy. Almost correct. My money in on lots of slaps.
  4. I'll record it too. Cover ALL the bases.
  5. I'm going to start on the enderman farm as soon as I finish my iron golem farm... which might be tonight.
  6. I think the takeaway here is that phrasing is very important, and everyone should be scouting their areas before they start building. We're all friends here, so be considerate!
  7. I'm sure someone could loan you some basic iron gear or something if you show up and ask ahead of time. I wouldn't mind.
  8. League is great, until you realize it sucks. The gameplay is mediocre, and half of the time most of the champs are broken or useless, and everyone attacks and reports everyone.
  9. Yes, 11pm eastern is 8pm pacific. The wither is easier than the dragon, in my opinion, because the dragon actually requires some coordination (unless you knock out the crystals first) but since we'll have so many people the dragon should be a breeze.
  10. I also vote no. It does add more strategy to both teams, on a variety of levels. We have completion bonuses for everyone else.
  11. Hi all, This time around we're hoping to kill the Ender Dragon together, so everyone can experience the fight and cutscene! In order to accomplish this objective, we need input on when to launch our assault. Please vote in the poll, noting that all times are EASTERN and you CAN select MULTIPLE answers. Please choose all options that work for you, not just the one "best" time, because the goal is to get as many people as possible involved. Also, if you'll only be available for part of a time slot, then you should make note of that in a post on the thread as well, please! Let's slay a dragon! (PS - If you're one of the people who knows where a stronghold is, please don't go to the end until after this raid occurs. Thank you.)
  12. Dynmap won't be up until the server has Bukkit, and that won't happen until Friday at the earliest.
  13. I can't get on anymore, I think it's a ban for flooding the server b/c I logged out/in a few times while testing skins. Halp.
  14. I can play whenever. Just have someone steam msg me.
  15. Because this poll implies multiple players, I voted infected. People don't have to be particularly good to win as survivors, in my opinion. So long as you stay with your team, and don't walk facefirst into deathtraps, playing survivor is basically about shooting accurately -- and honestly, you don't have to be that good of a shot to be a helpful survivor player. Infected, on the other hand, requires a much higher degree of coordination, planning, and situational awareness. Timing is everything as infected, and perfecting timing takes a lot more experiene than developing the muscle memory to shoot well. One to two players can't carry an SI team unless you're playing quite a few noobs you can pick on for points and murder with hittables.
  16. Ahh, gotcha, that's good info Avengers. In that case, unless there's limits to the multiverse I'm unaware of, we could still keep the current world connected, AND bring over any builds in progress for people who want to play on 1.6. Or reload and connect the old world via seed generator. That basically combines two of the options from the first part of the poll.
  17. Yeah, I was wondering if that would be possible or not. My other question is if we end up doing the multiverse, why not just keep the current world around as its own area? (Or, delete 95% of the chunks and then keep it as its own area).
  18. In the event we do transport over builds in progress, how much of the landscape around the build will be transfered as well? I mean, my castle is floating over a lake, and it'd be boring as heck if that was switched into a plain.
  19. While I respect that some people like the idea of a new world, I personally (and my GF) would much prefer to keep my area. I would have zero interest in playing on this server anymore if I had to start over, especially when I've invested so much time into a structure I'm not even halfway done with.
  20. It's equivalent to cabbage, radish, carrots, and other vegetables covered in spicy seasoning. I'm not saying that it's a perfect translation to salad, it definitely isn't; I'm saying it's awfully similar to a salad for a guy who was asked to change his name. "I Toss Salad" vs "I Toss Spicy Cabbage." Are they different enough to warrant unbanning a guy who hasn't even come to the forums himself? Also just realized I'm basically just repeating myself, so, I'll shut up now and let an admin decide. PS - actually just checked, and pickled vegetables seems to be closest. So maybe it's "I Toss Salad" vs "I Toss Pickled Vegetables." Difference?
  21. The reason kimchi doesn't look like salad is that it's covered in seasonings/sauces. Nevertheless, kimchi is a vegetable dish (normally cabbage + cucumber/radish/etc). Basically, kimchi is made of the most common salad ingredients, but with more colorful/spicy seasonings. "I Toss Salad" turning into "I Toss Kimchi" is, to me, too much of a coincidence given how similar the two words are. Seems like a sadly shallow cover-up.
  22. I dislike the fact that there is no auto-heal option. Some parts of the map, or with some teammates, it's basically impossible to get a heal off once you're b/w. I'd like the kits if you implemented a more expensive auto-heal option, like 25-30pts, for people who are infected by infected medkits. Otherwise, I like it.
  23. With all due respect to everyone involved, I do have a problem with I toss kimchi. Kimchi is just a Korean word for what is basically salad. He didn't meaningfully change his name, he's just trying to find an easy way around the rules.
  24. Always shoot the boomer immediately. Your teammates love that because they can get lots of free points off the common infected that swarm them. Also, hunters have really bad vision... they can only really track motion. If you stand still, they won't be able to pounce you as easily, especially if you're covered in boomer bile. Obligatory insult to peanut or fishy goes here. TBD.
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