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Everything posted by Leonebluen

  1. Should we give mae a trophy... or perhaps a custom achieve... for that?
  2. Just want to thank The Dude for such a quick response to this. He came online and enforced some very much needed order on the server, and with minimal banning too!
  3. So, tonight around 2:30am I started playing with Ezikayel. I'd give you his steamID, but I don't really know how. Anyways, first he was continually attempting to stack teams. I told him this was against the rules, and he proceeded to argue with me about how the rules are stupid, and I'm stupid, and how he's a fair player and the non-stacking rules aren't. After that, he stopped stacking. Instead, the next round, he rushed through the entire map without his team. When I told him the rules prohibit rushing, he told me that he didn't care because I was just trying to ruin his fun. I directed him to the forums to read the rules, but I don't believe he did so. Additionally, he made poor excuses like "I'm just adapting my playstyle, the only objective of a survivor is to survive," which are the usually bogus junk you hear out of a rule-breaker. I don't care if new people break the rules out of ignorance, so long as they reform their behavior when they are told what the rules are. However, Ezikayel not only refused to alter his behavior, but directly insulted the rules of this community in a shallow attempt to justify himself. I offer this post up to the almighty admins for a decision, and I thank you for your time.
  4. Hook me up perhaps? I used to be big into LoL, but I quit because the community (and quite honestly the game) blows, so this sounds like a fun opportunity.
  5. I just think that the fact that it was team-supported, and that the sewer is an accepted place to rush, means that an unwarned ban is unfair. I wasn't moving forward when I was banned. I wasn't warned, just banned. My team wasn't upset, in fact, I was told to take the sewer. If I was told to stop moving forward at any point earlier, I would've. My point is that regardless of whether or not Chick thought we were too far ahead of the team, this was a premature ban. Although I disagree with her perception of the rushing, I respect her opinion on that matter, but that is not why I am upset. She knows Merc and I well enough to know that we would've done what she asked, and banning us without any warning or comment is, in my opinion, unfair and disrespectful. Admins will often go to great lengths to accommodate non-communicative players, but sometimes they won't even give us one warning? The fact that we are members and know the rules is a two way street here. On one hand, it means that yes, we should be held to a higher standard in following the rules. However, I also think it means that admins need to be less eager in these situations. As frequent, long term players, it's obvious that we generally follow the rules. So why didn't merc and I get at least a little benefit of the doubt in this situation? Rushing especially is, as everyone pointed out, a touchy issue. Since rushing is an issue of perception, an immediate ban is just overreacting. Why not take the ten seconds to call us out, and communicate with us? I had stopped moving forward by the time I was banned anyways, since all I wanted to do was spawnblock the tunnel. Or put us in spectate if you're worried we're going to keep moving! My point is that, yes, if members are blatantly breaking the rules, they should get a ban hammer faster than any new player; however, if a member is walking a fine line on an issue, or if it's a questionable problem, then admins should be more willing to communicate with them than other people who don't communicate and don't have a history with the server. I also think it should be pointed out that we were not informed how long we were banned until after this thread was made, so if I seemed more tinkled off than the situation warranted in my initial post, it was because I assumed the ban was probably for at least an hour or so.
  6. I'm disappointed that it seems like it doesn't matter whether or not a ban is unfair just because it expires by the time a review can be completed. That devalues this entire forum, and allows unfair treatment (if the treatment is unfair) to continue.
  7. At the start of the game, all people were saying is they didn't want to scramble. No one objected when you swapped two people, and no one was rude or disrespectful to you so far as I recall. Then you obviously weren't paying attention to our team's chat, because someone (not me) said TWICE when that tank was alive that "we should rush the sewers when this tank dies." Moreover, I hope that some of the people from the game show up to comment on this, because we both know my team was not as far back as you're pretending. We were all grouped up in the yard when the tank died, and we ran from there to the sewers. Our team didn't spend 30 seconds chilling in the yard while we took the sewers.
  8. There is, always has been, and always will be, a difference between moving ahead to spawn block, and rushing through a map. My team was spread out between the sewer behind me, the street, and the house, when I made it to the end of the sewer tunnel.
  9. So, Chick was going ban crazy today in L4D2. She threatened to ban, well, just about everyone on our team in the third round of the parish, including comments like "next person to complain is getting banned," which is pretty tyrannical, but, that's alright. Anyways, after we killed a tank, me and merc rushed the sewers to spawnblock (with our team right behind us, and their encouragement), and she banned me. No warning, nothing, just an out of nowhere ban. Our team had communicated that we wanted to rush the sewers once the tank died, and she could obviously hear that, and yet she ignored it, gave no warning, and then banned me (and possibly merc, I don't know) for doing so. To me, this doesn't even constitute rushing, since this is basically the accepted strategy for handling the sewers. Moreover, when I'm within sight of part of my team, and a 10 second run from the rest, it hardly seems like rushing. Granted, I wasn't told why I was banned, but I can't imagine any other justification. Anyways, I'll leave this up to the senior admins now. Cheers, Leon.
  10. Is it possible to get the vent server switched to Speex instead of GSM? The reason I ask is that while all computers can run speex, macs can't run GSM. So, people with macs can't get use our vent server, and I know at least two people today were inconvenienced by this situation. Sure, sure, I know they should just get windows computers, but can't we help these folks out?
  11. Hm, I'm not particularly fond of these ideas, but it obviously doesn't hurt to try if they're going on a separate server anyways!
  12. I voted for everything except cold stream. I understand why some people don't like certain maps, like swamp fever, but I also recognize that there is a good number of people who also really like a handful of the less popular maps, so I don't mind having them included for those people. Besides, as awesome as no mercy or the parish is, it gets old playing those all, the, dang, time, every now and again.
  13. Awesome, thanks guys. I'm not positive either way yet, just getting my options figured out. I'll keep in touch.
  14. Enable ghost mode is an automatic tool that engages when you are a particular distance from the survivors. (And by automatic I mean a "press E" to do this shows up).
  15. 1) Kudos to chick for being awesome, per usual, and being willing to put this up even though you know it probably wasn't a gc member. I appreciate that it shows you are giving them fair treatment, even though they are kids. 2) That said, when I was on yesterday, which was only briefly, there was at least 2-3 people whose names I didn't recognize in a relatively short period of time. My bet is that it was one of those people, but, you know what they say about assumptions.
  16. If you enjoyed doing a marathon, then I'd recommend giving triathlons a try. In my experience, tris are much more enjoyable than marathons because they just *feel* more like a race throughout the entire event and the different legs make it much more engaging. To each their own and all that, I know not everyone will love tris like I do, but I think you should give one a try and let us know how it goes.
  17. If I fly, is there anyone from Cleveland or nearby Cleveland that will be trekking down?
  18. I love a LOT of the games on that list. If anyone happens to have Munchkin, I think that would be extremely fun, especially for a group of people like us. If not, who knows, maybe I'll pick it up just to bring!
  19. I've already shared my opinion on this in vent, but, I think this thread warrants a repeat: this is so awesome! Will there be any space for other people to sell things there?
  20. Peanut, does shift+enter work for you? Also, what browser are you using, and have you tried using a different one?
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