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About QQ1034914840

  • Birthday 09/25/1993

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  1. I still can't use command !hat, but it's fine as long as I won't be kicked. Thanks jackie!
  2. My steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55007807 In-server steam ID: STEAM_1:1:55007807 It's been two months since I renewed, and I would still be kicked to make rooms for contributing members.
  3. Still not working, just got kicked for member reservations. I find the first number of my in-game ID is different from steam id finder‘s. STEAM_1:1:55007807 Would this be the problem?
  4. I purchased it several weeks ago. I now still have no access to member-only commands. My steam ID is: STEAM_0:1:55007807 Thanks.
  5. Is that plugin really necessary? I think the infected side will tell the survivors who is rushing immediately. I have a question. Can you save the points for those who just left the server for 1 minute? so if their game crashed, they can rejoin with their points back. Sometimes when I spawn or do ghost jump, my game crashes, and I lose all my points.
  6. Every team has good hunters and new people for pounce, and I believe that is balanced.
  7. Can you increase the cost of laser sights for balance? At least, making it the same price as the gun, I think. Or disable laser sights from buy menu. Most people rely on that. I can't play boomer or hunter if someone has really good aim. My rocket boomer can only go after chargers. And as a hunter, I have to turn my head back or buy a heal halfway while pouncing. Survivors can have heavy guns easily but the HP of infected is still the same. That's really hurt
  8. Hi! Can you double the cost of buying guns plz? 8 points are really easy for one to buy an ak. Survivors seem to be overpowered with ak and awp in everyone's hands. Or please increase the cost of refill ammo for those heavy guns. Thx!
  9. Hi! Can you enable this mod please? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273115576 Sniper scope is oval in 768p, uncomfortable for me.
  10. I am using this crosshair mod and it works fine on other servers. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=298444781 That mod was working on the server two days ago. So does that mean no crosshair mod is allowed now?
  11. no medkits but pain pills, pain pills can recover hp gradually that would be interesting
  12. Thank you. Now I use the command bind "F4" "sm_buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 2; menuselect 1" instead , and I have to press No after using it. Anyway, it works.
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