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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Thanks for bringing back the bad memories. Now it's going to be in this page forever! Nice job
  2. ^ Peanut just said that the rule isn't dead stopping. It is purposely standing out in a popular open area trying to dead stop hunters, without even trying to shoot them, that's the issue
  3. Vote skips are fine. They're better off being available at the start of finales. If there is ANY chance that the game is going to be unwinnable for the losing team, then it will be great to have a skip vote at the very beginning of the finale. Otherwise, it feels like playing the finale is a waste of time if the vote passes by the time the second round starts. Edit: I'm not sure if we can get skip votes if there are players that don't want to play a finale, such as the Concert, because they are bored by it.
  4. Err...the only benefits I can come up with from their perspective are: 1. You either defend yourself, or a teammate, from getting high pounced if you successfully dead stop the hunter. 2. It looks fun and cool for that player that just dead stopped. I think that's pretty much it. There isn't that much benefits doing this because it's really high risk. You're better off just shooting the hunters in mid-air.
  5. Lol exactly, you benefit more from trying to shoot the hunters in midair rather than trying to dead stop and taking that risk.
  6. I felt like sharing this fun moment with you people. No worries, it will probably be a long time before I decide to make another post of my gameplay in this thread lol http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=612445915 The caption says it all. This will make you feel rock hard
  7. There is nothing wrong with being from Parts Unknown
  8. "Shoot the tongue before my health goes down." Oh boy! You don't want that. If teammates don't shoot the tongue and they wait for you to get incapped in mid-air before shooting it, then you'll be able to survive the fall.
  9. TIL tainted92 is this guy No, Stabz my daughter. That's IHaveNoClueWhatImDoing. He isn't an admin, and he isn't a dog either
  10. I think the no-point usage happens when there is only one person in the server. Points get disabled when there is nobody else available. They don't get enabled until the next chapter. I'm guessing 17 other people joined in that same chapter while the buy system wasn't working. Did the server crash before this all happened? Lol hope you had fun anyways
  11. Oh god! I told you rocket booming was bad news
  12. You also did this to me in Dead Air chapter 2 even though you had teammates that were alive. That was a nice underhanded way for you to give me a tank against your team in retrospect, you evil genius you
  13. Nah, I say we don't ban Peanut. The server needs someone to be the whipping boy.
  14. I wonder if there is a way to see successful tank rocks thrown.
  15. This might be a silly question, but is there any way you can add in the percentage of headshots per special infected? I'd like to see our headshot accuracy
  16. Aw, I thought the server's Smoker MVP was going to be in the smoker overall top 10 for sure.
  17. Nope, YOU'RE the MVP for actually taking the time to create this interesting formula for everyone to check out and see. You invented this. Nice job! You should be real proud of yourself
  18. It's ok, Dixie. There is recent evidence in a video where you dead stopped a hunter skillfully. Great job
  19. Lol I had the pleasure of getting Russell incapped by making him fly off the coaster with the charger :3 Aimbots are gross
  20. Lol No worries Peanut, Red Devil pushed him back out of the top 10 within hours after he posted this thread
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