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Everything posted by SchuLtes

  1. You know what? That's a good idea you got there. That way, you won't have teammates messing up your aim with the screen shaking while they're shooting through you. Maybe then, you'll be able to clear the Special Infected faster than your teammates can. It's crazy how the teammate shooting through you does the damage on the SI, but not you that's doing most of the blasting on your target. It'd be nice if the screen didn't shake when you're being shot at, and if the aim wasn't being affected by your own teammate. I'm glad you mentioned the push-back effect when your teammates are walking through you and around you. There's nothing like crossing that small wooden plank in the 2nd chapter of the Passing with the rest of your team, but then you fall off because a fat teammate of yours pushed you off. It's a "neat" little touch by the game developers. If it were to be removed, I would sure as hell "miss" it. After all, it's not like it's an annoying feature or anything like that (Note: It is). You know what? You should use laser first.
  2. and they lived happily ever after. - The End -
  3. what????? lol are you sure? I really doubt your analytical skill.
  4. dead admins screenshot competition
  5. a person,who only needs 1 point; the second one, who needs 15. which one will you choose ? The only thing that you can do is trying to be friend with them/ be good at the game. such a liar, pffft. lol
  6. No one played (10,000+) hours on this server, so everyone can still ask for points on mic. oops, maybe... there's 1-2 ? I'm not sure. lol
  7. the mac will heat up randomly, seriously ?
  8. How about you try to be on a lot & ban Tainted on Saturday? muahaha
  9. Are you going to make an anti-eco soon?
  10. Tainted will be the one, who save and join the game for peanut. good idea?
  11. question: can we get extra points for killing our favorite admin ?
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