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Everything posted by ShadowSeraph

  1. MMMMmmm the sig nazi cometh an He CANT take MIne AWay MAauahahaAAaa..
  2. Good spelling Teach! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes extremely superb fatty GG!
  3. Nice, so fatty.. you where ladies underwear ? MmmmFatB: dude tell bullet he dies in 2006 GunmanOwns: bahahaha MmmmFatB: and to enjoy his life MmmmFatB: make a list, both of you, and enjoy the things you wanted to do, cause at FF06 youdie GunmanOwns: bahahah can i watch?
  4. lol Rashad, i know you suffered greatly ha! glad to see you all like it and batman is saving it =). I dont think Gunny has seen it yet. Bullet-401 has and he promptly IM'ed me saying " your lame" lol
  5. I said i would post the video clip of Bullet-401 singing in a high pitched voice.. well i went a step further you see. I have bullet singing 3 times to oldie songs and for kicks i threw in GunmanOwns muahahaha. Evil i am http://webpages.charter.net/gamespace/Bull...nOwns_Roast.wmv *************************************************************** Note and a WARNING there is swearing in this vid. so watch when appropriate or in an office setting. ^^*******************************************************
  6. Good pics. Bullet was taking a dookie in his pants. unfortunately for me i was sitting behind him. I also have a few small vid clips of Bullet singing an oldie in a high pitch voice.. sounds like a woman =x. Ill see if i can get that posted soon
  7. yay rashad has his new forum wweeee. I personally like all forms of music but. ahhem... go 50 cent, nelly, ludacris, j-z, snoop dog, eminem, crossfade, linkin park, tenasious d, nonpoint, popa roach, nickelback,alterbridge, green day, and mor and more wwee oh 2nd!
  8. this game has science geek written all over it. I like it and kinda fun for a bit
  9. <<< from WI. I know the winter well. cant wait for some fun in the sun, boating fishing, camping, FF05, and every other nice thing that comes at spring and after. peace everyone. Ill be hanging on the newest CSS server. Im finally getting better at CS
  10. Praying for your family, keep going and moving forward 1 step at a time. Most of all, faith will be your guide and shield never let it weaken. :boing:
  11. wwwee im 20... going to be 21 jan 10th.. and that day will only be trouble and fun
  12. Well, this was my first time at FragFest and I greatly enjoyed the whole thing honestly. The Side events such as volleyball helped to break up the gaming a bit and get away from the comp and move around. The people were cool and nice, respectful of all. I had the privilage of meeting most of you and for those i didnt, i will next time. The worst part was to have it end really, i was having that much fun . I did like the CS tournament and really wanted to play the UT2k4 tourney, but oh well. FragFest has been the best LAN ive been to so far and ive been to quite a few now. Can we have Volleyball next year too?
  13. 1) Battlefield +mods do i hear BF Vietnam??? 2) why ut2k3 when ut2k4 is better?!?!? so ut2k4 3) CS- well im not that good at it but why not 4) Farcry 5) Americas Army 6) anything other than first person shooter?? dont care though 7) last but not least Gunman=lame
  14. XL thanks cant wait to meet you guys..
  15. See Bullet-401's milege heh... gunman, Bullet and I amongst others will be comming from about the same distance.. give or take 5 miles heh
  16. ShadowSeraph

    LMAO #2

    whats next for this poor bullet-401.. the world will soon probably know.... hack cough.. lamer =)
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