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Everything posted by YoMamma

  1. I agree with Yer that others should play. I know i signed up as backup on Sunday, but I had internet problems with dumb AT&T, sorry I wasn't on AIM.
  2. I kept saying to go subway, then I would go subway, then you guys told me to regroup and ahhh we were all just out of it.
  3. sounds cool, but I wonder how many people will accually be usuing the riot shield; that is after its been tested out the first few weeks of the relase.
  4. Ive played every match so far, use me if u need me or else i dotn care.
  5. http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/squirrel.htm It makes no sense but its sorrta annoying.
  6. This has to be one of the funniest flashes out there. http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/star.htm Its got star wars characters rapping. Hey Yoda, why you gotta be a playya hatta? Mentos Funny Flash: http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/mentos.htm Ebonics Lesson: http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/ebonics.htm
  7. This is a funny flash. It makes no sense, but just makes fun of eveything Japenese. Funny to watch. http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/saz.htm Also http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/relax.htm
  8. Yea, Ive played the first 3 matches, time to give someone else a turn. I should be on aim before the match starts incase im needed, also i got a mcc match against doh on thurs, so i wont be at practice, though i played this map 2 weekends ago and know it inside-out.
  9. Fun game to play. It was a shame I had 300ping thru-out the match, but I hope I was able to contribute enough to the team. I know that I never let the Ts plant in the middle on my watch. They rushed it twice and both times I stopped the bomb from being planted. Well besided that I didnt do much, still fun
  10. great.... Stick me in the dealiest spot of em all. I will be useless there. I did purple last time and I think I did it ok.... Whatever Red it is I dont wanna confuse any1.
  11. Well, I showed but with 600 ping I couldnt stay for the whole thing, it was just more of an agravation then it was fun. Sorry...
  12. OK heres the deal. I got the day off from work, but I may or may not go to an Incubus concert. So if i am goin to the concert, I will not not be at practice. But if I am not goin to the concert, Ill be at practice. im so tired i cannot think strait...
  13. http://www.planetgamecube.com/news.cfm?act...on=item&id=3527 go to that link, kinda funny story on someone who died from playing too many games.
  14. Wow, I wonder how the riot sheilds will work. Will they stop bullets altogether? Or will they be used as some sort of cover? I really wonder...
  15. My only weekday off from work this week is Tues. So unless practice is Tue, Sat, or Sun of this week, I will not be able to show due to my busy work schedual. Sorry.
  16. How do I play the hltv from last week. I wanted to view it over to see my mistakes, but I am unsure on what it is called and how to use it.
  17. YoMamma

    just saying hi

    Hey Hey Assault Penguinz! Congrats with S!d.
  18. If there's another emergancy like there was last weekend, I should be on stand-by and ready. Holla at me if anything unexpected comes up. Also if there is another practice this weekend I can make it, I got Sat and Sun off. AIM = DrSt0ner
  19. Yeah me too. We had a great game with them and are just about evenly matched. Fun team to play.
  20. I work tonight... But I have played the map before so I am familiar with with. Sorry I cant make it .... I am off work on Sunday though. Also Ive been practicing AWP and have been doin great with it the last few days.
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