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Everything posted by YoMamma

  1. This is a very small map. Id like to suggest using tons of gernades and flashes. They are very effective in small maps. As for awping. I want to let everyone know that this map is no aztec, so your target will always be nearby and also be prepared to be flanked if you go around, someone needs to watch the theater enterance, and vice versa.
  2. Im no good at this so.... we'll just have to wait and see who will win it.
  3. I wish I could help u guys out again, but I work this Thurs. and just about every other thurs too . hope i was of help last Sunday! GL
  4. www.lunaticsoldiers.com we also are looking for a couple more additions for the clan before Mcc4 starts. if interested, register in the forums and post up and we'll get back to ya!
  5. yea good luck, go kick their a$$e$ and show them the friendly CCC attitude!
  6. hope ur grandma gets better veng! oh and i missed practice cause i had work. I forget if i posted that anywhere. But, it is a little late now....
  7. YoMamma

    im out

    l8r! You'll be back...
  8. well i cant show for practice, but im sure ill be off on next Sat. I know this map from LONG AGO, but i understand if u dont pick me due to my lack of showing up for the practice.
  9. hwafhjgewahjagwjkgwa!!!! I work. I wanted to go and I was getting ready for this but then my work days got switched and I work Thurs rather than Fri. sorry yet again...
  10. Ive eaten a fly once by accident when i was on a bike goin fast, it got into my mouth and i couldnt spit it out so i eat it. it tastes like crunchy nothing. Oh, and Duck taste good too. they are cute AND tasty! duck tastes like juicy chicken.
  11. I showed for 52leon, but Raven told me the practice was over. Man was I disapointed! My brother had to do homework on the comp so I guess I was late. Well, its better to show up late than not show up at all, right? ...
  12. How 'bout them Bears? Da Bears are 2-0!!! In your 1-1 face Green Bay! muahaha.
  13. Nice work Zeabos! You are the master of flashing... err flashes.
  14. YoMamma

    Mcc Members

    Can I be elavated from a 'member' to an 'Mcc member' in description thing?
  15. yea i remeber that video when i saw it almost a year ago. That video still makes me cry...
  16. Go To www.lunaticsoldiers.com if you would consider in joining CsLs. I belive that Facehole made a comment before that he would be interested in you joining. So if you are interested, post in our forums and we'll get back to you soon.
  17. M0ss, You aint leaving yet. NO ONE CAN LEAVE! or maybe you can... But anyway, I have played with you as a LuckyCharm and I have seen ya go from 56k bad to cable good. So... dont leave!
  18. uhhh... You can definatley tell that he is a school teacher. NO NEED TO CORRECT MY SPELLING TOO!
  19. oh, and if there is no admin in, go on aim and report to an Mmmm what is happening. im sure they will take care of the problem.
  20. bad idea. Leave the admining to the Mmmm's. Its their server and they are all responsible. Some of you may abuse the admin and kick moss when he's under another name cause u think he cheats.
  21. YoMamma


    lol, thats funny man. 'It runs at a lightning-fast 20mhz!' haha.
  22. YoMamma

    hate to do this

    Colored Models? I got stock everything. Sh*t, the only "tweak" I got in CS are my say binds.
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